Offer: Altcoin Marketing and Communication Research

When Bitcoin takes a plunge, the rest of the market follows in step. Why is this? How do investors respond to fear, uncertainty, and doubt during a bear market? How likely are they to maximize their opportunities to make money in the altcoin space when the market is in the dumps? Under what circumstances are community members most likely to shill?

As a communication PhD student, I'm interested in answering these questions and many more with an academic study that I'm currently setting up. I'll be interviewing investors, analyzing marketing campaigns, and poring over Telegram data to try to figure out some of the most and least effective ways of communicating to community members during different swings in the market. 

Do you work with a coin/token that is interested in gaining a better understanding of your community members and are interested in learning in depth why they invested in your (and any other) project? I'm looking to partner up with teams working on projects that aspire for longevity to help answer some of these questions posed above and more.

As a research partner, I'm willing to interview your community members, chat moderators, and/or team members to better understand the communication ecology of your project. As a complement to the interview data, I will analyze Telegram data at select moments on your chart to help understand how communication practices fluctuate with the broader market and your market specifically. To incentivize the interviews, I'm requesting that you allocate a small percentage of your tokens for airdrops to interviewees. In return, I will provide you with all the data, memos, and eventually a finished academic-quality article that will be submitted to conferences and eventually a journal for possible publication. 

I am currently in the pre-study phase of this project and am looking to collect data for the remaining month and a half of summer. Initial data and interpretations will be available as they are completed. The full academic paper will be drafted in December, but excerpts will be made available for you to read as the paper is being constructed. 

If you are interested, dm me on Telegram @AltcoinResearchCC or comment below and we can connect.

