Noise.Cash Introduces "Chambers" -What It Means and How To Use Them

As I described in a previous article, is the "Bitcoin Cash Twitter" and "Little Brother" of the BCH-based blogging site .  When first launched, many people criticized the "free for all" nature of the platform as it had no hashtags, no "communities" and all posts were simply lumped together in one giant messy feed. Admittedly, it could take several minutes to filter through the low quality "How is your day? " posts to find something remotely crypto related. In this article, I'll describe how the new "chambers" feature will make it easier to find interesting content and describe how to use the feature.  


How It Works

The chambers feature can be used both as a reader and as an author. When you go to the main page of, you will see a banner with the word "chambers." 

Clicking the tab will bring you to a list of available chambers. 

Clicking on a chamber that interests you will take you to the chamber's main page. From here, you can create a post that will automatically be placed in that chamber. For example, if you want to post about Bitcoin Cash, post in n/BitcoinCashDevelopment. If you want to post about sports, navigate to n/Sports and make a post. The neat thing is that you do NOT have to be subscribed to the chamber to post there. Simply posting from within that chamber automatically attributes the post to that chamber. 

If you do want to follow the chamber, click subscribe. A list of the most recent posts from your subscribed chambers will be shown on the chambers tab of your home feed. Hopefully this will allow users to view the content that is most interesting to them instead of an endless wall of "Good Morning" posts (but don't expect that just yet).  

An added benefit of being subscribed to a chamber is that you can post from your main page and send that post to the chamber simply by clicking the torch icon and then selecting the appropriate chamber. Whether you post from within the chamber or use the torch shortcut, the result is the same. 

But Will It Help?

Now let's talk about what really matters...will the chambers feature help reduce spam and allow users to find better content more easily? I think the answer is yes, but not yet. When I was making the video, the "BitcoinCashDevelopment" chamber was still littered with generic, pseudo-motivational posts. However, I was able to find some BCH related posts within a few seconds of scrolling instead of several minutes like it took me before chambers were introduced. The takeaway is that some of the right content is making it to the chambers, but so is a lot of off topic content. 

I applaud the team for the introduction of the chambers feature as it is a huge step forward, but there is still a significant amount of work to be done. Simply giving people an option to post in a specific community clearly does not mean that every post in that community (or chamber) will be related to that community. As someone who has been active on Uptrennd since the site was launched, I know this is an issue that they really struggled with for a while. Fortunately, they were able to control this to an extent by placing a penalty on posts that were found to be in blatantly in the wrong place. 

I don't know if plans to implement a similar feature at some point in the future, but it is something to consider. While many people can be trusted to post in the right place, some people need a financial incentive to do the right thing, and some form of community moderation of the chamber may prove helpful for improving the quality of posts and the focus of the chamber.

Summary is still in its Alpha phase and making steady improvements. In theory, the chambers feature will allow authors to post in communities where they are likely to find a niche audience while also allowing readers to more easily find the type of content that interests them. Although the feature has clearly not reached maturity yet (only launched a few hours ago), I can tell that it is making a difference. For a site that is in Alpha, we can't expect perfection, but we can expect progress, which I believe is achieving with the introduction of its latest chamber feature. 

If you're interested in earning crypto from blogging but want a more well-developed and feature rich site, consider joining me on Publish0x where you can earn crypto for both writing AND reading articles.


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