NFTs Could Be the Response the Market Needs

DecimalChain has been in the cryptocurrency market for only one year, but over time it already developed and launched a number of innovative products that helped the project get to the level of major blockchain firms.

One of these products is easy to use non-fungible-token (NFT) creation. As the blockchain space grew over the years, no one is nowadays surprised by digitized securities or tokens in our world. Without realizing, we’ve surrounded ourselves with subjects of the digital world and store our favorite photos and videos in the cloud.

We trade digital gaming items that, in reality, do not belong to us. Sometimes we learn too late that these precious memories and items we worked hard for can be taken away from us by a central entity. NFTs are tokens that represent these digital goods on the immutable blockchain, and as such as verifiable.

Anyone who owns a valuable physical item usually has all sorts of evidence proving they own it. NFTs prove ownership in the digital realm. Artists, musicians, and other creators often face challenges creating their own NFTs, so they are left out of this booming industry.

Attempts to use existing online platforms can lead to frustrating experiences that do not satisfy users’ needs. On top of that, creators would love to keep on creating instead of spending time trying to understand and master the complex technology behind NFTs.

Modern Russian artist, Stanislav Dasyukevich, shared his experience on creating his first NFT:

“Artists never enjoyed dealing with bureaucracy. With the advent of technology, it seemed that everything would become easier, but when creating my first NFT, I had to spend 2 days and more than 10 thousand rubles on all the fees in Ethereum. By the way, the first NFT-picture was never sold out.

It was very difficult to deal with a new tool, especially with highly specialized English terms. Even despite I know English, I wanted to quit this venture several times. The second is, of course, about the fees. Young talented authors simply cannot afford to make an NFT due to high fees. Personally, if I hadn’t found DecimalChain, I would have returned to digital art much later.

Russian NFT-tool and its simple interface resolved all the difficulties of creation, and I spent no more than 2 000 rubles on DecimalChain fees”.

Today Stanislav Dasyukevich together with photographer Anastasia Podchipaeva are presenting the “Crisis Design”  exhibition in Moscow. One of the main items of the exhibition is a work created on the DecimalChain blockchain.

The picture and its description can be viewed on the blockchain via this link, The starting price of the painting is 1 million rubles.

About the DecimalChain Blockchain

DecimalChain is a public blockchain that combines many innovative solutions, including a crypto constructor. The process of creating a token involves the use of the intuitive interface and comprises simple steps: applying the decentralized wallet, filling in a form indicating the parameters of your token (such as the name, total number and reserve in DEL). The reserve in the base coin of DecimalChain makes it possible to quickly resolve the issue with the liquidity of the token and its further implementation in business processes. 

Similarly, NFT tokens are created on the DecimalChain blockchain, making it easier for users to enter the world of digital assets and tokenized art. Users can expect that their pieces of art will have a value at the moment of their  launch since the issued NFTs are supported by the basic DEL token.

DecimalChain closely follows all market trends corresponding to the  business need for tokenization. Therefore, the point is not only to tell the world about talented artists, but also to provide entrepreneurs with the opportunity to implement their business plans.

DecimalChain has become the parent blockchain for the token creation projects of 20 teams, including the creation of NFTs for the issuance of diplomas in an online educational institution.

“NFT Certificates and diplomas on the DecimalChain blockchain have two levels of protection.

  • The NFT itself with a description of who owns the certificate or diploma, the serial number and the date of issue.
  • To prove the authenticity of the certificate issuance, a QR code is applied to the cover and attached file with a link to the transaction in which the school token was sent to the graduate’s wallet.

With such diplomas, graduates can be certain that there is no risk of losing it, and they will always be able to confirm its authenticity at any time. Such a diploma will not “gather dust on the shelf”, but it will be really useful for the graduate. Thus, it can be bonded in order to mine DEL.

“Students show much more willingness to attend classes and do their homework because this is also one of the implementations of NFT somewhere else apart from the art sphere, so there is a high chance that it can also be effectively sold as an exhibit”, Vladimir Alexandrov, co-founder of the trading school.

In collaboration with the Saint Vandals artist, the Legion Group team created a collection of NFT clothes on the DecimalChain blockchain.

“Now you can get a unique print in a digital form you can apply to any clothes. In addition, the buyer of NFT-merch receives cashback from the purchase in the form of 100 DEL reserve which is included in the total token reserve”. Konstantin Medvedev, the author of the project.

We hope that creating an NFT will not be a problem for bringing your ideas to life. We have tried our best to make this process simple and efficient for you.