Near Protocol- An Answer to High Gas Fees

In the crypto market today, if one has to create a crypto project, or create an ERC20 based token, or creating a smart contract, then the first choice of all developers is the Ethereum blockchain.

The coding of Ethereum makes it developers' friendly, and it is very easy for them too. Today, we build most smart contracts and tokens in the crypto world based on the Ethereum blockchain. But Ethereum has two big problems of the blockchain due to which the crypto project makers are moving to other blockchains.

These two reasons, higher gas fees, and the problem of scalability. Today, the Ethereum network’s gas fee is so high that it is difficult to make it for mass adoption (usable for all).

There are many other blockchains and more scaling solutions available in the market. Now it becomes very difficult to determine which blockchain to use for your project? Also, those who are already running their project on the Ethereum network can’t avoid the problem of high gas fees and scaling, as well as the safety of their funds and tokens remains their main issue.

So what is the solution for them? The best solution to these problems today is the NEAR Rainbow Bridge of the Near Protocol. On the Near Protocol, developers do not have to choose between either Near or Ethereum. Developers can run their tokens or projects on both blockchains at once, with no problems.

For this, the Near Protocol has created a bridge for this with the name “Rainbow Bridge”, whereby Ethereum and Near Blockchain can be linked together. With this, we can trust the security provided by the Ethereum network and its minors to the network, and the network security of the validities of the Near Huh.

The team at Near Developers is fully supporting Ethereum’s smart contracts and coders. Developers can also connect Ethereum projects already built by Near Rainbow Bridge to the near network.

Another advantage of creating a project that has not been seen on any other blockchain to date is the profit in fees received on every transaction. If a developer builds a project on a near protocol, then every project that happens on that project in the future 30% of the fees of a transaction will go to the developer, and that too for a lifetime.

Usually, the developers take their fee once the project built and after that, if the project is successful, then the developers get no benefit from it, but the Near Protocol provides a way of earning huge money to the developers, for a lifetime.

The biggest advantage of moving your project over the Near Protocol is the people who are using the tokens of this project. The transaction is quick on the Neer blockchain that makes the transaction completed in a few seconds and this solves the problem of scaling Ethereum.

The second and biggest advantage is that the transaction fees are very low, almost equal to none. The advantage will be that the token fees need to be less.

The need for decentralization has become a necessity for the crypto sector today. Near Protocol understands this very well, and this project has a complete decentralized system for this.

If you are working in the world of crypto and none of your projects are giving the right results on the Ethereum blockchain for this reason. If there is a very high fee or if the transaction takes too long, then you should consider the Near Protocol.

You have many more advantages with Near Protocol for you and your project, and we shall discuss them in our coming posts.
