My Strategy with Binance

I've made quite a few posts about BINANCE Smart Chain (BSC), and if you followed them, you've made a great deal of money. I joked that "BSC is Jesus," but I don't want anyone thinking that I'm some kind of Binance Maxi. Especially since I hate on Ethereum so much. I'm still on Ethereum because the institutional money flowing into crypto is coming to ETH after BTC. They don't know any better, and ETH still has first mover advantage on development and defi.

Let it be fully known that I am a proponent of decentralization. I control my currency, and I want to build a trustless system to put that currency to work for me. I am also a proponent of making enough money for myself so I can actually afford an opinion. BSC was the money grab, and I'm taking it. BSC will be the money grab for at least a few weeks.

This does not mean I'm in love with BSC. I'm not. In the comment section of my previous posts, some commenters made some points that made me research the platform. Binance has a history of shadiness, and their Proof of Authority validator system is a counterparty risk that I can't ignore. CZ isn't the type of person to stand up to heavy government scrutiny; they just haven't been able to track him down yet cuz they can't locate Binance HQ. If a jurisdiction bearish on crypto catches him in a legal net, they'll squeeze him and make it hurt for us.

But none of this is gonna happen tomorrow. So there's time to grab money before I leave.

My overall strategy in crypto is to expand with the market. This means you have to make enough money to continue expanding at the speed of innovation. I have a setup now on the three major chains with enough gas in the tank to move forward into new chains as they come. I'm setting some powder aside for Polkadot, NFTs, Litecoin RPGs, and looking into chains like Near. That wouldn't be possible without yield farms and defi on BSC and some exponential gains on ETH. So if I have to go centralized for a minute, I'll do it. But I'm never losing my focus on the prize. That's why the money I'm getting daily from BSC is going off the BSC chain. Building value on other chains is a great hedge against the technical and political risk Binance creates, and I plan on moving slowly away from BSC in a timely way in the same way that I moved off of ETH when it got slow.

This takes care of all of the rumors about fake traffic, false volume, and the like. But that's true of all chains, including Bitcoin's. All of them have some sort of blind spot that could spell disaster for you if you max out on one chain. That's why I don't. Just keep this in mind if you're following my posts. Crypto moves and you have to move with it or get left behind, and the secret to gains is constant expansion.



Always remember:

Burgerswap Bridge will steal your crypto

Deus.Finance is led by a psychotic wannabe despot

AllianceBlock is a shit project

All algorithmic stablecoins (Basis Cash, Mithril, Empty Set Dollar) are a SCAM

Don’t get your bitcoin from PayPal

Trade on BSC, not Ethereum

Ivan on Tech, Elliotrades and Bitboy are complete liars, and

If you are always losing money trading crypto, read here.

Gems I'm investing in:

NFTs - Doki Doki

Trading - Unimex

Finance - Soar