My online earnings Week 25 - Splinterlands prices are carrying me to my goal

In late 2020 I decided that I would give myself until the end of 2021 to try and earn at least $250 a week online. Mainly focused on earning crypto since it is easier, more interesting, and potentially worth even more in the future.

Almost 6 months after starting this journey I realized that I could actually make a living out of crypto if I went into it full time! So that's what I did, I'm chasing my dream of doing crypto for a living. I'm experimenting with a lot of different projects and platforms to increase my weekly earnings.

To keep me accountable and have this adventure registered forever, I will share my weekly results and some comments about it with you every Monday.

How much have I made last week:

  • Betfury: $1,57
  • $2,04
  • TrustDice: $2,53
  • Hive: $10,95 (All tokens included)
  • $1,98 + $6,35 (Interests, Cash-back)
  • Prolific: $0
  • Noise.Cash: $14,24
  • Celsius: $1,22
  • Defi: -$63,12
  • Splinterlands: $229,00

For a total of $206,76!

Since I'm into this full time it was about time that I step up my game. I improved my spreadsheet and added both my DEFI and SPLINTERLANDS income/losses! The massive run-up on the splinterlands cards price is boosting my income to a whole new level! I can't wait for the splinterlands airdrop and new rewards!

My DeFi positions have been bleeding for a while but I'm not worried about it. Unfortunately, I decided to stake all the tokens I got from the Betfury airdrop instead of dumping them, not a wise decision but they were free so I can't complain!

Very happy about this week's results! I'm very close to hitting my annual objective, and I think I will be cruising over the $250 a week line once Bitcoin and altcoins come back from this correction!

My objectives for next week:

  • Post 7 times on Hive / Leo.
  • Participate in Hive Powerup
  • Comment 50 Posts.
  • Exercise 4 Times.
  • Experiment with a new crypto website / Project

As always if you want to learn more about my journey check out my website!

Hope you have a great week!