My new Halloween scenery - New lego minifigures

Halloween is ticking at the door of this World ... Maybe some are considering it just a simple celebration throgh the famous protocol of the "Trick or Treat" ... i think there's something else behind of it ...

Therefore, let's move forward ...

Today's creative process took me to my new Halloween scenery, which looks like this:


I know that some of you would preffer some cool scenes like this one for instance ... an awesome stroll in the park ...

Maybe this kind of adventures are just illusions right now, especially because of this sublime protocol of this period of time through which our society is passing right now, on its way to the New futuristic World, where these kind of environments will be created in a virtual way ... maybe ...


But hey, let's not forget that in a short time frame, the well known celtic celebration of Halloween will happen' ...

Therefore, i've thought that a meeting of Sir Skellington with Crypto Squash would be an awesome moment to be captured ... We shall not forget the hidden old guard of the Halloween and his owls, Sir Gnosisblin ... who's right near of that old tree of more than 3220 years old ...


I've thought to keep the entire frame in a daylight sort of style, but, later on this day i'll take some new photos with the glimpse of the night ... maybe right while the Moon will shine during the Midnight ...

Maybe some of you would like to enjoy some of my Halloween photos with Sir Freudstein and the Vegan Dracula ...


They are creating some magic potions everytime when they meet ...

Freudstein knows very well the combination between the forbidden herbs and the crystals ...

Don't try this at home ... especially while we are living in a time when people are very unrooted from the Nature ...


Maybe some of you will be very shocked to see so many owls ...

This myth of owls will remain something like an ancestral secret on every society that will rise inside this spectrum named World ...

What i can tell you is, that owls are bringing luck and wisdom, they are part of this infinite Universe ...

Maybe it's true that people are scarred about two facts, the day when they are born, and, the day when they will find out, for what they've been born ... but maybe that's the moment when we pass through the Portal of the Sacred Owl and we'll receive the Enlightenment ...

Stepping back to our new Halloween scenery from today, i would like to present you just a couple more photos with our lego minifigures that i've picked up for our today's story ...


Here they are ... Sir Skellington and Crypto Squash along with their ancestral guard, Sir Gnosisblin ...

I think, that, i've picked these minifigures very well for this entire scenery, and the background, even if it has been created during the day, i guess it suits much better to the whole context and it shows all the details in a much proper detailed way ...

I do hope you'll stay arround and read my #blogs and soon i'll post more interesting photos with my lego creative world ...

Meanwhile, stay safe, enjoy life and give lots of candies to the children that will come to your house with the Halloween ritual of "Trick or Treat"


Regards dear #crypto #halloween people