My journey with 10 shitcoins - week # 2

Again, don't do this at home.

Table of current value:

The coins have been a rollercoaster this past week. I was all the way down to -10% back up to +5%.

This is how the gains looks today, cashcow took a hit and is back down, overtaken by doge and memepad. I am still in the green but it's not as prominent as before as the main leader cashcow got knocked down a peg.


The spread this time around is more evenly spread. CCF have decreased and gotten down to be more similar to the other coins, the remaining allocation is also catching up memepad and cashcow. Hopefully one or few of these coins will rocket off.

Best/worst perfomer

DOGE is now ontop, however it isn't far ahead, Memepad is on it's heels and most other coins are close behind Memepad. Lemond keeps on dipping lower, never really been a fan of lemon dip. 


This is how the chart has looked over the past week. It was even lower before being almost 200$ loss, some of the coins came back up which helped cover for that dip. Also in the few minutes it took me to post the pictures here, the chart moved up 20$, insane.

The profits in this swing from +5% to -3% fairly quickly. This isn't really a good way to try and make gains as coins higher up on the toplist tends to have more solid returns. Interesting to see how this pans out. 

Thank you for reading and remember, don't buy shitcoins.