My Bull Market Portfolio

I will summarize my current portfolio in percentages and give my reason for keeping each coin in my portfolio.


BTC - 80.49%

My BTC position is very heavy. I do not expect Bitcoin to ever be anything more than a store of value but I do believe it is the future when it comes to becoming the top store of value. Knowing that makes me comfortable in knowing that Bitcoin has a secured future and can only go up from here. 100k is just scratching the surface when it comes to Bitcoin.


ETH - 10.62%

Ethereum is the other sure play when it comes to crypto projects. It will provide a platform for smart contracts that will allow developers creative freedom to provide services to a growing community. There are other projects in this space but ethereum truly holds the first mover advantage. I do not see myself selling ETH in the near future but I may choose to add to the other alternative projects I currently hold.


ADA - 4.50%

Cardano is one of my alternative projects to Ethereum. While it does not hold as many projects or developers as Ethereum it has a scientific approach that many may love. I for one love the fact that they are approaching the smart contract field with a scientific approach. Cardano while quiet has a lot of potential to revolutionize blockchain technology.


DOT - 1.82%

Polkadot is a lot like Ethereum when it comes to smart contracts they call parachains but also seeks to focus on interoperability with different chains through its relay chain. I do see its popularity amongst the community and want to hold a small stake in case the next bull market makes this one of its big winners.


LTC - 2.02%

Litecoin is Bitcoins little brother. It has its usecase as a testnet for Bitcoin and has been running up nicely the last few days. While I like Litecoin I am expecting to sell my position and add to either DOT or ADA. I want to concentrate on no more than 4 coins and Litecoin is the main one that I am considering selling.


HEX - 0.55%

Last but not least is HEX. I will say that the only reason I hold this is due to the free coins I grabbed thanks to owning BTC over a year ago. I have my coins waiting in my METAMASK wallet and I expect to sell them as soon as they have a pop from the current market. I cannot advise to buy this unless you really want to take a risk.


I'll probably update my portfolio once I make any major changes. The changes I see happening are trading litecoin and eventually also trading out of my hex position. I am ready for the current market and have a mental goal to execute when the right conditions show up.