My Bitcoin Venture Thus Far

My Bitcoin Venture Thus Far


Who am i and why is my venture interesting, I’m just your average Joe nothing out of the ordinary. I’m slightly into tech and computers, but no more than anyone could be. I do own a few devices, mainly a laptop and a phone. Again not much out of the ordinary, I did at one point have several pcs, laptops and phones apart from the ones I used on a regular basis. So onwards to make those Magic Internet Moneys.

How I Got Into It

The hows to me getting into bitcoins, as i find the idea of a decentralized currency not only interesting but practical. Practical in the way that you have an “anonymous” currency to trade for services or goods, consider the intelligence agencies and how it would help them move funds.

Anyhow I stumbled upon a youtube video about mining and i was intrigued, about a year later I was discussing passive income with a few mates and bitcoin mining came up. Alas kindled was the flame of interest, to the interwebs i went and scoured all the information I could find. But building a mining farm was still time consuming and my living accommodations didn't make it any easier. About a year later, my situation changed and the topic resurfacing. My mates and I decided to setup a miner, initially as proof of concept, but as a passive revenue in the long run. We found a used pc and after a few days of messing around with mining pools decided on the one we would go with. The miner was mining happily, but it was barely breaking even and after a few months of it actually costing money to run we shut it down. The prospect of buying new mining gear was to dire, the buy in cost alone was too high and the return of investment was too long also the market seemed too volatile. In the end we scrapped the idea of mining altogether. Yet I continued mining on my dated hardware, as I had discovered folding at home (clickie), the project as a whole is super awesome. And then I get to be rewarded for helping out, even better. Also on the side I fiddled around with a raspberry pi, got it mining, but again it barely broke even.

Thoughts on Airdrops

What airdrops are, briefly explained, companies wanting to promote their crypto currency, wallets or bitcoin exchange and as a means to this giving away “free” coins. I definitely like free stuff, so getting airdrops is awesome. I do prefer those that payout in ethereum, bitcoin cash or litecoin or to existing wallets, getting a new wallet for each drop makes it a daunting task to keep track of them all.

Apps and Programs

As I do tend to play a lot of games on my phone, I decided to try making bitcoins that way. At my current casual rate, it looks like it will take my about two years making one bitcoin. But getting that for stuff I already do, sounds like a great idea to me.

Future Aspects and Final Words

So what is in store for my ventures future? I think that i will be looking into more raspberry pi mining, not on a massive scale but in a hobbyist kinda scale. And I will keep doing airdrops and the free coin apps. Although I will be far more picky with what i play or the airdrops i chose, so everything on a lesser scale. Well, unless something re-kindles the miner flame once more. Also I’ll be looking into these “write articles” websites, there might be something there... Magic Internet Moneys perhaps...
