Most common projects in market (Part 1)

(Sorting is random.)

1-DOT (Polkadot)

It is a fragmented blockchain protocol that enables networks on the blockchain that serves the purpose of governance, staking and bounding on the network. It targets a decentralized structure. The market value is around $ 4,325,192,741 USD 226,473 BTC.

$ 5.2 USD at the time of writing this article.



It aims to reduce the complexity of transactions on the network.

Matic is one of the coins you cannot mine. All coins are created and released by the Matic foundation. 10 billion will be produced in total and 27% of this number has already been reached.

The market value is around $ 87,032,603 ??USD 4,558 BTC.

At the time of writing this article its value is $ 0.018212 USD.



It is a full-fledged financial system on blockchain, which is how they describe themselves, and they are declaring themselves to be an enterprise-grade fintech platform.

Market cap $ 31,107,920 USD 1,629 BTC

Its value at the time of writing this article is $ 0.055294. USD


 4-EGLD (Elrond Gold)

 A blockchain protocol that seeks to process transactions at high speed using Sharding. It tries to create its own ecosystem and is based on a decentralized structure.

 Market value $ 285,370,952 USD 14,955 BTC

 $ 24.79 USD at the time of writing this article.


5-Zec (ZCash)

 Believing that transfers in Bitcoin transfers suffer from privacy and confidentiality, ZCash focuses on decentralized, high-privacy transfer transactions.

 Market cap $ 705,295,672 USD36,937 BTC

 $ 61.56 USD at the time of writing this article.