Mining "Pi" The Basics

So... You're hearing all over the financial marketplace that Bitcoin has taken off, reaching monumental numbers in value! Its true, the last value of Bitcoin I personally saw was around $36k per Bitcoin. This has been no small feat, after the launch of Bitcoin in 2009, "mining" of Bitcoin became the illusive trend that thousands of people started.  

I have a friend, that while we were working on our internet marketplace store, mined for Bitcoin on a separate computer. He quickly gained somewhere around 5,000 Bitcoin by 2010. He then bought a pack of cigarettes and a 6 pack of beer with that 5,000 Bitcoin!!! Think of that for a second... If he would've saved those Bitcoin for 10 years, he would have right now $190,000,000 (ONE HUNDRED NINETY-NINE MILLION DOLLARS)!!

That number makes me cringe. To have the foresight to see what the value would be in 2021, back in 2010... The potential would be limitless. 

There are other stories floating around the internet about a pizza bought for 10,000 bitcoin. That had better be one good pizza! Or, the guy in United Kingdom that was cleaning up his flat, and threw out an old hard drive that had his Bitcoin on it, worth around $270 Million Pounds - which equates to $366,889,230. Its enough to make one sick if you truly sit and think about it.

NOW COMES, The Pi-Network!

Right now, people are mining all over the world from their hand held devices. And all you need is a telephone number! No $95k "mining rigs", no high electricity bills, nothing... except your phone and an invitation code from an active Pi Miner. The app is on Google Play and the App Store, which makes it easily accessible. Once you download the app, put in your name and telephone number. The network will then verify the number by sending you a 4 digit code. Type in that code and you will be asked to create your User Name (which will be YOUR invite code for your contacts). Then, Type in the invitation code you were given: HMFIC62. After this, you will get a quick tutorial on using the minepi-app.

From this point forward, all you will need to do is hit the "Mining" button on the app. Its the lightning bolt on the right hand side of the screen. Then, the app will mine for 24 hours. 


The best part is... Is that it's free to mine. There are NO costs involved for mining, which you don't already have, meaning... you already pay your phone bill. The app works in the background. It doesn't drain your battery, doesn't use your data (if that's an issue), and doesn't give any of your information to third party vendors. There is are advertisements on the app, but it can be turned off. The reason they are there is to help development costs that the Core Team incurs, just making the network. The ads can be turned off, but will reactivate after two weeks. You can still turn it off again, and again, and again.


So after the initial 3.5 minutes to get the app downloaded and set up, it takes literally less than 5 seconds a day to mine. Who doesn't have 5 seconds a day? As you get started, you'll probably mine around 6 Pi per mining session. Mine for a year - 365 days... that's 2,190 Pi.

Now, you hold on to that 2,190 Pi for ten years (in the same way my friend should've done)... and lets say for argument's sake, Pi only is worth a third of what Bitcoin did in 10 years... that would be around $10,500 for each Pi. Are you seeing the numbers yet???

2,190 x $10,500.00 = $22,995,000 Million Dollars.


So lets also say you mine only for that year and you decide its not worth it anymore because you found something else to do, or you don't believe in cryptocurrency any more. That's fine... you still have it waiting there for you. Lets also say that each Pi is only worth $200 in 10 years, it still is $438k!

And finally, if Pi NEVER makes it to main net and is worth the same thing as it does today $0 (Zero), then you have only spent 30.42 hours over the last year on essentially "Playing a game". Now  be honest with yourself, how much time is spent per day playing games, checking email, on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, or any other apps? 

Can you really afford NOT to start mining for Pi? Are you going to let this slip by you like Bitcoin did. For your sake, I hope you don't. In my opinion, the REWARDS completely outweigh any RISK, because the risk is only 5 seconds out of my day!!