Mike Maloney, precious metals dealer at

Mike Maloney, precious metals dealer at GoldSilver.com, author of the most successful financial self-help book, 'Guide to investing in gold and silver: Protect you financial future' and producer of the hugely successful Youtube video series, 'Hidden secrets of money' which cumulatively, has garnered more than 28.5 million views, has just released his latest video titled, 'Brace for impact

What he shows is a series of graphs from the FED that literally prove we are heading for a downturn and it's going to be ugly!

As he brings up the FED's FRED chart (Federal Reserve Economic Data) that goes all the way back to 1947, Maloney says, "Brace yourself. We're coming in for a hard landing". This chart tracks the federal funds (interest) rate along with the CPI (consumer price index). What he shows is extraordinary and this comes directly from the FED.

The chart clearly shows that in the past, interest rates had to go much higher to bring inflation down. At present, inflation is said to be 8%, depending on who you believe while the interest rate is at 4%. To bring down inflation, Maloney suggests the federal funds rate should be between 12 to 16% and maybe even higher to even begin taming inflation, not to mention the lag in time before results are actually seen.

All this talk of rates slowing down starting in December may be just that, all talk.

Maloney also points out that as Treasury notes get rolled over, new notes will be issued at a much higher rate, causing the debt repayment to exceed everything else, including the military budget which is the highest in the world. Imagine paying 16% interest rate on $32 trillion and you get the feeling 'this ain't gonna end well'.

On top of that, Maloney discusses the $7.3 trillion in cash and deposits just waiting to get cashed out as people begin to grasp that the dollar is dying along with its purchasing power. He expects much of that wealth to move into precious metals and farm land in an effort to beat inflation.

He then compares the 10 year and 2 year Treasury note inversion (yield curve) that is right now comparable to the late 70s to mid-80s. What did we see in those periods? Stagflation, enormous interest rate increases to the 20% range, recession. What else did we see? Silver and gold went to record highs.

Maloney then makes a striking comment that silver is likely to be at minimum, a 10 bagger (a return of ten times or 1,000%) but more likely to overshoot to become an incredible 80 bagger (8,000% increase).

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Another clue he says is very important is that the 3 month Treasury note interest rate is higher than the 30 year note. Investors are not willing to park their money in the U.S. dollar for the long term, preferring very short terms. What are these investors so jittery about?

It should be obvious by now. To watch Mike Maloney's latest video, click the link below.

GoldSilver.com (w/ Mike Maloney): Brace for impact.

Others I follow have also been sounding the alarm so it looks like something big is about to go down and soon. The right thing to do is to prepare by stocking up on food and other important things and to consider parking your wealth into something that carries real value. Maloney's suggestion that silver and farm land are great investments at this time is spot on (although I'd wait till after the crash to buy real estate). I also believe in Bitcoin Satoshis for us poor folks. Right now, less than $200 USD can buy you 1,000,000 Satoshi (1/100 of a Bitcoin). That's very similar to silver, the 'poor man's gold' which at time of writing has a silver to gold ratio of 81.5:1 (it takes 81.5 ounces of silver to buy one ounce of gold).

We may have missed out on Bitcoins but we definitely did NOT miss out on Satoshis (and silver!). Bitcoin is its own ecosystem and WILL survive all the crashing exchanges. See the links to previous articles below for more information on what is coming.

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I earn free Bitcoin CryptoTab Browser. I also use the browser to earn free tokens on my cell phone. Zero investments were made to earn these tokens and the risk is minimal at best. Silver though, is my ultimate back up plan as the S&%t hits the fan. Consider investing in silver and / or gold. Click for more info and purchase any precious metal at

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