Median Fee, point for Bitcoin Cash

The title is a term that emphasizes the recent dispute of an eternal war between Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH). I refer to this issue with a very personal opinion, and that is, knowing all the benefits that BTC offers, there is much that is missing to be able to have a P2P competition with this currency, it cannot be denied that there are many spaces that still remain and that they coincide with the appearance of other forms of adoption that have strengthened clear points, among them the famous rates that are far from pleasing.

Certainly, the instability of these expenditures is being worked with the Lightning Network (LN) but it is a way to cover that inconsistency that emanates from the main network and that limits, for now, certain operational fields to which the BTC is still working. . Like dotcom, I am a lover of BCH, its fast handling of transactions and its focus on recording low commissions that add to the stability of commission collection.

Although I am not writing to criticize any crypto, I do have to focus that BCH is working hard to promote mass and participatory adoption. An atmosphere of coexistence that solves the issue of usability, or at least increases the numbers that are currently very low.

I am very intrigued by the other excerpts that we read in the statements of the dotcom entrepreneur, where he talks about the preparation of BCH "towards mass adoption with incredible new applications and large provider networks". "That is why it is already doing more transactions per day than Bitcoin." The numbers are debatable, but one thing is certain, security, speed and reliability are the essence written in the DNA of the BCH network.

Now, that the price of BCH did not have the impact that other tokens with this debate on twitter of several greats of the digital space; That the truth does not take away anybody's sleep, everything must be focused on the efficiency that BCH presents when it comes to being operational. Merit should not be taken away from the fact that it registers a setback of more than 14% in the last 7 days. I continue to insist that operations that are backed with tokens that offer guarantees of trust are the main managers that must have a stake in any investment portfolio that is considered valuable. BCH must be part of that select group that represents this new era that we have on our shoulders.

The key points are technology and stability; the reading of the fees by dotcom and other influencers of crypto life are extremely valid. At the time of this writing, BCH is in the 13th position, with a value per unit of $ 478.09, an advance in the last 24H of 1.67% and 0.24% in 1H.

I make it clear that my interest will always be to defend the crypto world, I have no operational criticism of any currency or token, I simply expose the concrete facts that are highlights in the technology invested in each of these ecosystems, initially projects. I am not a maximalist, but I also do not overlook those events that guarantee success in the world of cryptocurrencies. BCH, a good example to take for the development of future projects, very good and wide-ranging.

At the end I leave some links that serve to deepen more in this subject. Both links lead to amazing articles that can explore this topic much better.