May 31st: 24-hour Crypto-currency overview

The last day of May 2021, cannot believe it has gone by so fast. And what a month! With very deep lows and some very nice highs.

Over the last 24-hours, the overall market has shown a 4,5% increase. It's nice to see some green after all of the red!

No double digit growth in the top 15 (by market cap), but all green. Haven't seen that in a while.


It's the same all green in the next crypto-currencies, with both SushiSwap (SUSHI - 11.8%) and The Graph (GRT - 25%) showing double digit growth.

It feels great to see al that green!

The last crypto-currencies, with the lowest market-cap, also have our first 2 reds. CELO (CGLD) is just barely red with -0.1% and Numeria (NMR) is at -15.5%, after achieving all of the gains during the last few days.

Just 2 reds, and you could even consider it to be only 1 as CELO only has -0.1%, is a great way to finish May 2021.

The monthly figures look a bit less pretty, will dive into those in a next post.

How has your day been?