Loopring is going to run 700%! Check out why.

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Let's get started.

Everyone on here knows I've been shilling LRC for weeks. If you bought it the first time I said it was safe, you'd have been up 120%. Yes, 120%. And that was after it had recovered from the March crash. So this pump was organic.

I was speaking to my friend about how amazing the LEND pump was. He was a long term holder and caught a 1000% move from it, while I came much later and only caught 700%.

He said that LRC looks EXACTLY like LEND before it torpedoed up to the moon. And he wasn't wrong.

So I decided to do a comparison for myself, and saw that it was indeed the truth. Here's my comparison photo:

Clearly stated on the chart. LRC is due for a 700% move imminent, and this fractal shows it very clearly.

However, this doesn't mean go out and buy right away. (I'll be telling those in my telegram group when to buy, so join here if you haven't already!)

There are many factors to consider when looking at fractals. And the most important one is that they don't work 100% of the time.

With a big BTC move imminent and on the horizon, one can only be patient and begin to accumulate for the big move now.

That means stop selling your LRC. Save it up, buy more if you have to. Be a smart investor. The fact that PUBLISH0X gives out such a valuable token for free is mind blowing, and I really love Publish0x for that.

Just remember: You heard it here first!

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Once again, if you crave quality trading education and setups, please join my free telegram group here.