Look at What They Do, Not What They Say...

Bitcoin is closer to $40,000 than it is to $30,000, but that doesn't mean we're out of the woods yet, or that it can't "crash to $30k", again, or lower. It's just that the market sentiment can change from one day to another and that the crypto markets are not strange of manipulation.

I bet many have lost good money during the current correction/crash or whatever you want to call it. I was at some point close to capitulate as well. Luckily I haven't done that... I guess I'm getting "salty as @onealfa

Look at What They Do, Not What They Say...

I guess this should be an important mantra for crypto markets participants. Just because plenty of us are falling for what the media is spreading and the manipulation that can swing the market up or down. Most of the downfall we've had the past couple of days imo has been a result of fear coming from Russia "saying that it could ban everything crypto related" and the Ukraine situation.

Russia needs to regulate Bitcoin, not ban it" said the country's Minister of Finance today... and soon after that statement came out, the no.1 crypto by market cap has shown signs of recovery. What you guys think the oligarchs have done while plebs were FUDing and selling, just two days ago... I bet these ones(the oligarchs) were in accumulation mode.

The situation with Ukraine seems to be a false flag as well, considering that the president said "no signs of war over there" and some Russian troops are already backing down. I guess the whole thing was just a parade of troops making it clear to NATO that Russia is not fuck with.

American Express is exploring ways to offer rewards points in crypto and U.S. Senator Jim Ananich is going "to work to make Michigan the most pro Bitcoin state in the country". Funny how we already see a competition between US politicians in who's more crypto friendly.

Probably Bitcoin will at some point become an election hook for the masses.

I can't say right now that I do believe Bitcoin is never going to $20k, or even under, but even if it does that, it doesn't really matter. Blockchain and cryptocurrency are part of a revolution that is hard to stop and ignore right now. Not even Youtube is blind to it.

“We’re always focused on expanding the YouTube ecosystem to help creators capitalize on emerging technologies, including things like NFTs, while continuing to strengthen and enhance the experiences creators and fans have on YouTube.”

-CEO Susan Wojcicki 

I'm not saying Youtube is WEB3 or that WEB2 trying to stick their noses into WEB3 shit, like twitter did, is of bon augur for the environment, but the idea is we're too big to ignore. I don't know about you, but I believe we will have more than one billion people in crypto this decade and that is a statement.

I have embraced cryptos volatility side and really grateful for being part of this space. What's important, though, is to be able to discern and not get caught into emotions vortexes and keep BUIDLing, like @leofinance is doing. Have a great day/evening and see you tomorrow.

Thanks for attention,

Initially Posted Using LeoFinance Beta