Litecoin (LTC) Fundamentals Slide

Litecoin is an open source, peer to peer, decentralized, digital currency. A network controlled and maintained by its users. A cryptocurrency designed to enable fast, low cost and borderless value transfers. 

Litecoin was launched in 2011 and over the years it has proved to be one of the most reliable blockchain networks. Litecoin is also very similar to Bitcoin in code and development course, but have few key differences that makes it attractive to users and investors. One, Litecoin payments are faster than Bitcoin; and two Litecoin fees are cheaper than Bitcoin.

Given its lasting popularity Litecoin has certainly earned the nickname "Digital Silver", while Bitcoin continues to shine as "Digital Gold". There are several aspects that personally attracted me to Litecoin, and over time learning the important facts about this digital currency became essential to me. Later summarizing it for others became a goal as well. In this slide I present to you the basic Litecoin Fundamentals. 

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