Last Call!

BTC, DOGE, SHIB, LTC, XRP, ETH, TRX, to the Moon!

If you had money in any of these cryptos a day ago, three days ago, ten days ago, ten weeks ago, you've got more money now.  The markets are waking up and churning and the ups and downs are getting hoppy.  This is a good time to say, "Let the games begin!" and be ready to buy or sell as the markets jump around.

The overall sentiment is like a tense rubberband aimed at the Moon.  There is a lot of expectation for things to go up, and to go up fast.  Most of the propaganda machines are all saying the same things and using words like "unprecedented action" and the such, as if it's already happening.  Every little move and jolt in the market is being watched and scrutinized as to whether it is the next indicator of the next big Moonshot.

And yet there is an uneasy feeling that most people also can acknowledge, which exists when we consider that it could all crash at any moment.  There is no reason for it not to, and there are plenty of reasons for BTC and all the rest to blink out of existence, or crash to such a low value that some people today lose all their savings and sanity.

There have been several very large dips in value before each of the previous Moonshots in cryptocurrency history.  There is a strong possibility that we could see a 5% - 25% value reduction before recovering and the markets could all rise upwards of almost 100%, doubling BTC upwards towards the upper $80k range, but if the value goes much past $90k, then it is possible for all the markets to extend well beyond a doubling of value.

[[cue the naysayers and the "market cap" gobbledegook they've been brainwashed with]]