Kryptomon - Get ready to Train

I think it's a healthy habit for an author to follow up on the earlier work especially, if it involved some sort of giveaway, contest or an airdrop. This helps in creating a sort of continuity where the updates help in cementing the trust and also pointing the readers in the right direction. I had written a post about Kryptomon last month, which involved an airdrop of an NFT in the form of an egg. For more info on that, please click on the link for my earlier article.

Let's start with the update first. The airdrop participation was supposed to continue till 10th June for the trainers to climb in ranks on the leaderboard for the NFT airdrop however, due to the overwhelming response that the project has seen, they had to end the run on 2nd June. The leaderboard is all prepared for now which will be further vetted to check for any bots and cheaters. I did manage to find a place in top 10000. I take this opportunity to thank all the people who supported me and signed up using my referral. 

Celebrating the creativity and a sizeable community, Kryptomon has released its roadmap split into 3 phases, and my articles will give you a brief overview of each phase.

I encourage you to go through their articles on medium. If you want you can check out my previous article (linked here) to know how, why and when I got involved with Kryptomon.

Let's discuss all the phases as per the medium article.

Phase 0

Phase 0 marks the beginning of the big reveal, with 10,000 eggs officially released to trainers. It starts on 30 Jun.

What Phase 0 brings with it?

Well for starters, you get to see your Kryptomon egg and its dominant element. The individual elemental traits of your unhatched Kryptomon shall be revealed and you would get to explore the breakdown of its personality traits as well.

So, Phase 0 is when you will first discover your Kryptomon’s genetic code (you can go through the entire list – it’s available here) and what each of the traits mean and how they’ll affect your Kryptomon-

  1. Elemental genes (range from 0-100, 100 being the max)- This alone cannot determine whether your Kryptomon will have a strong affinity for that particular element, but a high gene count is considered a plus.
  2. Elemental talent (it’s a number from 0 to 10) – It is an indicator of a how hard the elemental genes will work.

In order to keep the curiosity levels high, the Kryptomon team has withheld certain information and encouraged users to experiment and discover things for themselves. However, they have made sure to point out they look forward to suggestions from users staying true to their claim of co-creation.

Phase 1

Phase 1 timelines have not been disclosed, just sometime in Q3 2021.

The global hatching event will mark the official beginning of Phase 1. A countdown will be shared amongst the 10,000 trainers that succeeded in getting an egg. Everyone will see their egg hatch at the same time globally.

Once the egg hatches, you’ll need to get to work immediately. Basically, you’ll have to start caring for your Krytpomon, figure the likes and dislikes, and how often you need to pay attention to it. This will also be a super exciting phase for everyone since nobody till this point will know what their Kryptomon will actually look like.

The next step would be to prepare for battle, Team Kryptomon without divulging all the information states “The battle stats of your Kryptomon can be increased to its theoretical maximum with enough training, but! with several caveats.”

The strength of the Kryptomon will be governed by its genes. They’ve introduced the concept of regression (strength will reduce if regular training is not provided). Moreover, social stats will also affect the training efficiency.

This Phase will also see the introduction of a marketplace where trainers can search for others to breed with. Breeding will bring a host of opportunities to the trainers- where trainers of relatively stronger Kryptomons can “auction” off the opportunity to breed with their Kryptomon in exchange for KMON!

To avoid Kryptomon from becoming  a pay to win game, the concept of staking has been introduced.  Staking will give players the ability to earn more KMON, which can be used for other parts of the game. It can be used in battle and outside of battle. Every time a purchase is made using KMON, a portion of it will be channeled towards the pool, ensuring other KMON holders have an equal chance to enjoy the game (without investing too much).

Phase 2 

Just like Phase 0 and Phase 1 the exact date of Phase 2 is undisclosed. This Phase is when the Kryptomons go to battle. It is centred around unlocking the ability to battle.

In their words- Taking inspiration from Pokemon’s battle mechanics, battling with Kryptomons will follow a similar turn based system where the goal is to knock out your opponent’s Kryptomon.

One can go to battle for any of the following reasons-

  1. Better training results- self explanatory
  2. KMON- to be able to place bets and #playtoearn
  3. Information- to better understand the working of your Kryptomon

Once Phase 2 is completed, the team will organise battle tournaments at regular intervals. Initially this will be open to all trainers, but they intend to slowly transition into a tiered tournament system.  

Points to note

  • Team Kryptomon has reiterated time and again that the functionalities listed in their articles are not set in stone and might be subject to change, depending on the feedback they receive.
  • To ensure equality amongst players of the game, all actions related to caring for your Kryptomon (feeding, cuddling, healing, etc.) will be free
  • Taking into consideration the worries of the community, Team Kryptomon has decided to do away with the death of your Kyrptomon instead failure to take care will result in the egg being frozen and to un-freeze your Kryptomon a yet-to-be-defined amount of KMON will have to be paid.
  • Your Kryptomon will be able to breed an infinite number of times, this act however, will be balanced out by introducing the concept of age.


Kryptomon is still a relatively young project which has the potential, team and support to go a long way. Future trainers are already getting to know each other, coming up with strategies and lores on the discord channel. And those who have missed the initial chance of airdrop are participating by finding the future donors/sellers.

Also, if you are a blockchain developer, do not miss out on giving them a shout. They are looking for contributors to join the team.



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