Kill the bear john doe, and let the bull be born...

All of us are John Doe, when it comes to Cryptocurrency. We all are anonymous and are our own banks. But we forget that from time to time, and think of things in terms of Dollars, and wonder how the SEC will react to a certain project, and say we are not financial advisors... But why?

Obviously Bitcoin and the Altcoins are not like national currency. You cant walk into any random store somewhere in the world and purchase an item with any crypto as of yet. For that, you will need the local currency. 

Obviously the goal is to get crypto integrated into every store, in every country. It takes  time. And right now, the NWO has an agenda to try and stop crypto. But that is for another post...

The big Kodiak in the room is the FED and fiat in general. It is the government spending programs, that steal your actual wealth, so your children are poor. It is the fat cat politicians who reap where they do not sow. It is big tech, and big pharma, and the main stream media. It is all of the problems we see in the world right now.

The BEAR is everything that stands in way of freedom. The BEAR keeps us oppressed, and sad, and marginalized and in fear. Just as John Snow was supposed to KILL the BOY to let the MAN be BORN, we need to kill the BEAR so we can let the BULL be born. 

I am not talking about bear and bull markets, although that is part of it, I am talking about real freedom. But what IS real freedom? 

I am American, and one of our founding fathers, (who just so happens to be on the largest bank note we have, the $100) Benjamin Franklin was asked a question. The woman, coming up to Franklin just after he had left a very important meeting said, So what have you given us? He replied, A REPUBLIC, if you can KEEP it...

But, he wasnt talking about not letting it slip out of their hands, (That obviously was part of it, but not what he was referring to...) rather he was saying, a REPUBLIC, if you can PROTECT it. The work KEEP in those days wasnt referring to holding onto something, although it was in a sense, but more referring to PROTECTING something. A REPUBLIC if you can PROTECT it...but protect it from what?

We are seeing what in our time. Now, dont think that this is some new thing, letting the REPUBLIC slip out of our hands, and not protecting it for future generations. This has been the plan for over a hundred years or more. Bringing down the BULL to install the BEAR! 

Now that the BEAR is in charge, the BULL is out to pasture. Its time we grabbed that red sheet and opened the BULL pen to regain the ground we have lost to kangaroo courts, to special interest groups, and lobbyists. Its time to kill the BEAR, find a good place to mount it so we can never forget how close we came to total collapse. 

Once the BULL is in charge again, the America I grew up in will return. But we need to act fast, before it is beyond too late. Dont let them take your guns like they did in Australia. Dont let them trick you into taking the inoculation, dont stand aside watching evil win.

Annie, GET YOUR GUN, we're going BEAR hunting!  

Thanks for reading folks, and please, have a great day...