It can be so easy to get caught up with what is currently happening in the crypto market

It can be so easy to get caught up with what is currently happening in the crypto market. Focusing too closely on day-to-day price fluctuations. Trying to find the crypto that will be the next to go up 100x. And trying to become rich overnight. It is that same short timeframe that can make the bear markets so difficult. For anyone who is watching their portfolio extremely close, seeing it drop by 80% or more in mere months would be enough to stress anyone out.

But, today’s article isn’t about yesterday’s successes or failures. It also isn’t about what is happening today or even tomorrow. Instead, it is about the future. While the crypto market being down currently by 80% or more is painful, we knew all along that our focus needed to be on the distant future. We need to be in this for the long term, at least 10 to 20 years. 

With that in mind, what if something extraordinary happened? What if a time traveler from deep into crypto’s future came back in time to talk to us? What would they say to you? What advice and feedback would they give you about your current actions in the crypto market?

Chances are you might not like the answers.


While many of us would like to think that this time traveler would come back in time and praise us for the great moves that we are currently making in crypto. Moves that changed our lives financially forever. However, the truth is that this time traveler would likely be very disappointed in us. 

Missed Opportunities / Distracted By The Noise

Upon looking at your current portfolio, this time traveler would ask you how you became so distracted.

As you begin showing him your portfolio there would be dozens of tokens and NFTs held in your portfolio. Including meme coins, projects that have long fallen by the wayside, crypto that has no use case, low-cap tokens that you’re hoping will be your lottery ticket to wealth, profile pictures and the list goes on. In the future, all of these tokens and NFTs will have reached their true value, zero. They will have become worthless and the time traveler will throw the LEDGER that these are held on in the trash. 

The time traveler will then begin to laugh, coming to the conclusion that you were just having some fun with him. He will ask, “Okay, where is your main Ledger? Where is the real portfolio?”

You begin to panic, as that was your main portfolio and you explain this to the time traveler.

The time traveler then becomes very upset. Asking you how you got so easily distracted and caught up in the noise in the market. In the future, there was an unprecedented transfer of wealth, but you missed out on it. While in today’s market there are several “junk” coins that have significant amounts of value. But that won’t always be the case. In the future, prices will meet their real value.

The next question from the time traveler will be heartbreaking for many to hear.

“You have a portfolio of dozens of tokens, meme coins, and even NFTs. Surely you have some Bitcoin and Ethereum?”

You show him what you have, but it isn’t enough. He explains to you how in the future Bitcoin and Ethereum have soared to incredible heights. Being able to own either a full Bitcoin or a handful of Ethereum meant that you were an investing genius. Money was no longer an issue for those people. The world had become a place of haves, and have-nots. In fact, those who were lucky enough to own significant amounts of BTC and ETH had to keep it a secret. It wouldn’t be safe to boast about it out in the open. He also explains how crypto markets don’t behave how they used to in the past. Currently, you can buy almost any cryptocurrency, blue chips, or even low-cap tokens. And expect that its value will soar during the bull market. That is no longer the case in the future. Prices of crypto move independently of each other and are no longer tied to the performance of BTC and ETH. People who had put so much hope into those lower-cap coins will be thought of as degenerate gamblers.

Because we are so curious, we want to know what the exact price of both Bitcoin and Ethereum are in the future. It is almost too much for our minds to handle. Bitcoin’s price is in the tens of millions, and Ethereum is approaching a million as well. A feeling of regret instantly begins rushing throughout your body.

The time traveler now asks his final question. “What were you doing with your time when the opportunity of a lifetime was sitting right in front of you?”

We explain that we were working very hard at our job, and times were difficult due to inflation around the world. It was difficult to make ends meet, and what little extra we did have, we put into the crypto market.

He asks, “What else did you do?”

It’s at that precise moment that we realize that we weren’t doing enough. While even though we thought we were busy, we could have been doing much more. Picking up a part-time job or side hustle, selling unneeded things around the house, finding ways to make money on the internet, making passive income with our crypto. Becoming successful most often is obtained by those who want it the most. Being willing to sacrifice our current free time to build a better future. The sad thing is that we saw and recognized that there was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity sitting right in front of us. We just missed it by either buying the wrong assets or not putting in enough effort. 

It really was so simple. All we needed to do was work hard and grind for a short time. And buy Bitcoin and Ethereum.

How about you? What do you think the crypto time traveler would say to you?

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