IOTA Price Freezes Around $0.27; Intraday Movement to Remain Boring

IOTA price movement has been quite astonishing in the past one week. The coin started improving from October 26, 2019. The current price of IOTA is at $0.27. There is anticipated that the coin would rise in the future. However, the current movement is indicating a fall in the intraday price of IOTA. It is speculated that the price would keep moving around $0.27 for the rest of the day. Let’s have a look at the intraday chart.

IOTA to USD Price Comparison:

IOTA Chart By TradingView

Yesterday, IOTA started dealing at $0.282. The price slipped to $0.272 by 3.51%. The uptrend in the price took IOTA to $0.276 by 1.53%. Later, the price again fell to $0.267. The regression in the coin was 3.26%. Later, the currency recovered again and went up to $0.273 by 2.25%. For the rest of the day, the price remained to hover around $0.270. The day closed at $0.272. The intraday movement in price registered a loss of 3.59%. Today, MIOTA started dealing at $0.272. Within the first few hours, the price fell to $0.269 by 1.08%. The price recovered and went back to $0.272.

IOTA Price Prediction:

IOTA price movement has been quite volatile for a long time. The market was reflecting a similar movement. The fluctuation couldn’t affect the price at large as the opening price of IOTA during the starting of the previous month was $0.266210, and yesterday it closed at $0.283300.

The resistance and support level chart is reflecting intraday fall. The price is moving towards the immediate support level at $0.266292.

Resistance LevelPrice
Support LevelPrice

IOTA is mostly suggested for long term traders. The movement in the price is slow. Thus the short term investment wouldn’t bring much change in the price. The future of the coin is anticipated to be bright. The traders can dig-in with a high prospect of profit.