IOTA (Miota) Crypto-Pick

Sergey Ivancheglo, Serguei Popov, David Sonstebo, and Dominik Schiener, who joined later, together co-founded IOTA

The Iota Foundation describe themselves as a non-profit foundation developing next generation protocols for the connected world.IOTA is working on a distributed LEDGER technology, that is supposed to enable secure exchange of both value and data, without any fees. In my opinion the problem with Iota (Miota) is that the team still runs a centralised Coordinator. I know of Iota since 2017 and think that their step into decentralization with Coordicide next year could prove as a catapult back into the Top10 of Cryptocurrencies.

At the time of writing IOTA (Miota) has nearly hit 30cents again after a deep and long fall from it's peak in January 2018. One million Iota (=1Miota) were trading at over 5$ back than.

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This is no financial advise.

Cheers and thank you very much for the tip;

Chris aka Goodsoul