Investing in Precious Metals

Let me start this post by saying that I absolutely don't like Gold at all. I don't know why but I just don't like something about Gold but Silver is something that I have always been into. I used to buy Silver Coins quite often and it was so much that my Mom had to allot an entire closet just for my Silver Dimes and I sold all of them in 2020 when the price of Silver was quite high. But now I was left with a lot of money but now Precious Metals in my Portfolio.

So What Did I Do?


For starters, I looked into Gold not physical but Digital Gold by which I don't mean Bitcoin but Gold that can be bought digitally and you only keep a receipt of it and the physical Gold stays with the Company you buy it from. At that time it really looked like a good option as I wouldn't have to hold the Gold and it would be safe somewhere in a Vault or Locker. But there were a lot of problems that occurred on transactions so I was just not feeling it.

The next step was the obvious choice of buying Gold Coins. Yes even though I don't like Gold I went ahead and bought some of them for Investment purposes. I had a plan to buy 1 gram of Gold which is currently around 70 USD every month. A couple of months in I roped in my Mom to add in another 1 Gram of Gold per month which means now I buy 2 grams of Gold per Month.


So I have been accumulating like this for almost 10 months now and I can now gladly say that I got a nice stockpile of Gold Coins in my Portfolio. If there was just one thing that I regret from purchasing these Gold Coins it would be the fact that these Coins are basic looking ones. I would have really loved to own some Gold Coins like the ones from John Wick Movies. Oh yeah and I still hate the look of Gold though but I like it as an Investment.