Indian Bitcoiner Aiming to Visit 40 Countries in 400 Days, While Only Spending $BTC

Indian Bitcoiner “Paco de la India” who got “orange pilled” after a friend gave him a copy of the book “Bitcoin Standard” as a gift, is aiming to visit 40 countries in under 400 days, while exclusively relying on BTC (he earns or receives from donors) for making payments.

Paco, who loves running, got “orange pilled” after a friend gave him a copy of the book “Bitcoin Standard” as a gift, and he started his journey on 17 September 2021.

On his website, he explains why he is doing this:

My name is Paco, and I am crazy enough to want to travel to 40 countries in 400 days, only with Bitcoin… Throughout my journey, over the years I have seen plights of citizens in these hyperinflating regions. Folks, running like crazy every day to make their ends meet…

I came to believe that “sound money”, that people can take their own custody of, is necessary for a working society, and Bitcoin is a possible way to achieve that. Although I don’t know much about how it works under the hood, I feel at home looking at the ethos and dreams of the Bitcoin community, striving for a bitcoinized world. And I wanna be part of that story…

I have been running around the world since I was 24. I will run again, and this time I will do it with Bitcoin while vlogging my entire journey. I will spend in Bitcoin, I will earn in Bitcoin, I will receive your love in Bitcoin, and I will talk about Bitcoin and try to convince whoever I can to accept Bitcoin from me as a payment.

He recently told Cointelegraph:

It was a full moon night, and my friend asked, do I wanna travel the world? I said yes. He says, ‘You have to travel on Bitcoin.

Paco is documenting his experiences of living and travelling only off Bitcoin on Twitter and YouTube. He is currently visiting Uganda:

He is planning to visit the following African nations next: Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbawe, Malawi, Mozambique, Botswana, and Namibia:

According to Cointelegraph’s report, Paco has this advice for other Bitcoiners who want to follow in his footsteps:

Orange pill your neighbor, your favorite shop, bar, cinema, start sharing your sats. It’s easy for them to learn from a known face like yours. Be that little pebble that you throw in the lake, and it will create ripples that coming generations will benefit.

Featured Image by “Leamsii” via Pixabay