If you are a business owner and you aren't accepting cryptocurrencies, you are losing out on a lot of profit

Crypto is now a $2 trillion dollar market. This is larger than the entire GDP of some countries and it's being increasing heavily ever since it's launch. Unfortunately, most business owners and especially big tech companies aren't yet realizing the amount of profit they are missing out on not accepting Cryptocurrencies.

In the entire world, all the money in circulation is worth 6.6 trillion U.S. dollars. This is in the form of paper and physical coins which most people use to pay for things. Not accepting cryptocurrencies, you are losing out on 1/3rd of your potential profits.

The GDP of the US is currently at 21 Trillion dollars. Crypto market cap currently stands at 9.52% of that. Putting things into perspective, a business owner in the US not accepting cryptocurrencies could be losing a great amount of profits. Especially when that profit is deflationary and keeps increasing exponentially.

A lot of businesses are already realizing this and accepting cryptocurrencies. Namely, Amazon and Walmart have already hired cryptocurrency heads and a lot more tech companies have already started accepting crypto.