I'd Like to Make Some Requests on the Request Network

Flip a chip, but trying to get PayPal to pay out the money that's being held in reserve is far more difficult than it should be if you set up a business account! (There's way too much red tape in which to get tangled, what with invoices, shipping, receipts and probably a whole lot of other stuff at which I've yet to look.) I don't remember having to do as much admin when I set up a personal account.

Maybe the ease of use of cryptocurrency exchanges has shifted my perspective so that it seems more cumbersome to go the old, previously familiar route. At any rate, I don't think I'm going to see that forty or so US dollars (~$40) within the next few days and I might have to refund it if I still have trouble by the end of the week. In future, I'm going to push hard for my clients to pay in crypto (most likely Bitcoin Cash, USD Coin and Request), because the admin of jumping through hoops on PayPal isn't worth the wasted time and effort. Luno's an absolute breeze, but I don't trust exchanges with my crypto for any longer than I absolutely have to. (Not your keys means not your wallet. I need to trade and move my BCH soon. If the market could just pick up again in the next ten to twelve hours, that would be great for me. $2.00 seems like so little and yet so much at the same time.)

At time of writing, it is 20:00 my time on 2022/01/31. My head aches so badly that I feel like I've been hit with a lead pipe and I'm going to throw up, I haven't got any work done, my Cosmos (ATOM) will take at least another two weeks to unstake and PayPal is withholding money that I desperately need in my account by midnight, in order to pay my monthly bills tomorrow. So it goes. Every day, there's another complication. Aargh! Freelancing for international clients who don't/won't go the crypto route (probably because of believing FUD) sucks!