I guess I shouldn’t assume you know what a seed phrase is and why you need to vault it

I guess I shouldn’t assume you know what a seed phrase is and why you need to vault it.

seed phrase is a list of 12 to 24 words that is automatically generated by your crypto wallet.  These words don’t make sense, like a sentence in a story.  They are picked at random.   You will need these words a.k.a. seed phrase to recover your cryptocurrency wallet if you get locked out or hacked. It’s sometimes called a recovery or backup phrase.

Most articles I have read advise against storing your seed phrase on your computer.   

That is like leaving the vault door open for anyone to look and take what they want.

Then they will have a crypto party with all the crypto you have worked so hard to accumulate.

Write them down the old fashion way.  Whaaaat?!!

That is not a typo…  Write them down the old fashion way.  Use paper and pen then stash it somewhere safe.  I have a small notebook my info gets documented into. 

Think of your seed phrase book as a crypto vault.  Don’t label it Password book or anything obvious like that, disguise your vault. 

Keep your seed phrase safely vaulted!

I took the photos last Sunday at my nephews wedding.  This Vault door is the real door from when The Treasury was a bank in 1926, St. Augustine, Florida  Now The Treasury is a venue that can be rented for weddings, parties, meetings stuff like that.  It is such a beautiful place.  The ceilings are so tall amazing architecture.  Behind this vault door, inside the old bank vault there is a bar.  Not big enough for many to sit down, you get your drink then go back out into the Treasury a.k.a old historical bank. 

I don't get any affiliate money for sharing this.  If you are interested to read more about the place. Click below:

Treasury on the Plaza

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