I bought some cardano (ada) today


Our favorite popular crypto Cardano a third generation blockchain 3.0 who's protocols address the issues of previous versions to improve scalability transactions and energy consumption.  It is used to send and receive digital funds, Cardano is often referred to as the Japanese Etherium because 95 percent of the participants in ADA initial coin offering are Japanese. Cardano claims to be the most environmentally sustainable blockchain technology and still maintaining security rather than relying on the proof of work for increase in computational power.


Cardano is one of the famous cryptocurrency that dipped and I bought today. Well unfortunately after I bought it did dipped a little more. But that is okay because I am a bit sure that I will profit soon because of the current price from where it dipped from. There are more room for ADA to appreciate in value so it is just right to buy especially with these relatively cheaper prices plus BTC is just a big factor to pull these cryptocurrencies up so if you have some funds to spare then ADA is a good buy.



Please do your own research before investing in a highly volatile financial instruments such as cryptocurrencies. All of the above stated claims are only my opinions and should not be taken as facts.