How to tell the real cryptocurrency teachers from the not-so-real

Do you always keep pegging Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies to the Fake Fiat? Do you constantly feel like the heroine addict always chasing the dragon, but never catching it? This is because you are NEVER suppose to peg Cryptocurrency, or Bitcoin, to the Fake Fiat. Those that do not understand Bitcoin or cryptocurrency are always making this mistake.

Let us begin with the Dollar, or more appropriately the Federal reserve Note. On the global market, the federal reserve note has lost, to this day, 98% of it’s actual value. That means for every paper dollar you have it is truly only worth, two cents. Let us just look at some real numbers. Let us say you take home $1,800.00 every two weeks. This means in sound money you actually only take home $36.00 every two weeks in sound money. Do the math yourself, $1800.00 X .02=$36.00.

This is mainly because on August 15, 1971, then, President Nixon removed the backing of the dollar from the gold Standard. This allowed the Federal reserve to keep printing causing a complete devaluation of the dollar.

Actual Experienced individuals that know Bitcoin, know that you only compare each and every cryptocurrency coin to Bitcoin Satoshi. This is due to the fact that 1 Bitcoin will always be 1 Bitcoin. This is why a lot of the Anons mine and work on sites that pay out in DASH. For one it is a privacy coin, which the wallet has a tor proxy, and they know that it is 3.2 mbits, or 0.00320000 Satoshi in Bitcoin.

Before you mine a coin, or use the auto-faucets and sites to earn more coins to assist your income, you first need to take into consideration the following two factors.

1. How many Satoshi does each coin add up to?

2. How easy is it to gain more in a week or two?

These factors should be the primary questions you need to ask yourself when mining a coin. If every single person keeps comparing Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to the fake fiat, then when the system crashes, and it will, they will not be able to figure out anything.

I have lived on this since 2014. Believe me when I tell you it was not only a rollercoaster, but so many different people would talk about cryptocurrency and it never panned out what they were saying. This is mainly because it is a new system, and these people continue to try to use Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, a new system, the exact same way the old system is. This is why they have a fatal flaw in their thinking.

In closing, if you change your wallet to the local currency as Bitcoin, you will be able to see a difference in how you understand this currency. Remember this is a new system, that will take experience and time for you to discover what truly works for you. Once you find the best way for you, you will see how easy this really is.