How to Calculate Price Scale in BTC / USDT / ETH Parties When Buying and Selling Instantly in Crypto?

Why Is It Necessary To Calculate A Scale?

Crypto exchanges have daily pump / dump movements. The vast majority of these movements are driven by pump / dump groups operating on social media. The basis of the working principles of these groups is to make crypto purchases by the group leaders, then to spread rumors on their channels in social media and to direct the crypto exchange users to the trade of the coin they bought before.

When Fomo starts, everyone wants to make a profit and start trading. Those who buy at a reasonable price will make a huge profit, while those who buy at a high price will lose money. The most winners are, of course, social media phenomena that previously bought at a low price and will sell it at the highest price by spreading the rumor. Perhaps a small number of people who follow the whale or these social media phenomena can also make big gains.

When you want to trade instantly during these transactions, calculating the scale between parities can prevent you from losing money.

Calculation Between Parities

I will give the parity calculation example on the Holochain, as the buying and selling walls are strong.

When calculating Holo's parity, our main parity will be HOT / BTC.

As you can see in the chart, HOT / BTC rate is 0.00000006 Satoshi.

When we want to buy Holo by trading on HOT / BTC parity; We need to wait by entering a purchase order from 0.00000006 Satoshi value or buy directly from sales orders entered at 0.00000007 Satoshi value.

Buying HOT from 0.00000006 satoshi means buying at the lowest level of current value, while getting HOT from 0.00000007 satoshi will mean buying from the next pair.

When purchases at the HOT / BTC party begin to arrive at a value of 7 satoshi, it is necessary to calculate the parity differences to get HOT at a more affordable price than HOT / USDT or HOT / ETH parities.

How is HOT / ETH Parity Calculated?

To calculate the 6/7 satoshi value range of the HOT / BTC parity, we need to make a calculation at the ETH / BTC parity.

In the TOTAL section of the buy and sell section of ETH / BTC parity, we write the value of 6 Satoshi, the current price in HOT / BTC parity.

We will see 239.482 gwei (  0.00000240 gwei ) in the AMONUT section of the buy and sell section of ETH / BTC parity.

0.00000006 Satoshi value of HOT / BTC parity = 0.00000240 gwei in HOT / ETH parity

In the TOTAL section of the buy and sell section of ETH / BTC parity, we write the value of 7 Satoshi, the current price in HOT / BTC parity.

We will see 279.396 gwei (0.00000280 gwei) in the AMONUT section of the buy and sell section of ETH / BTC parity.

0.00000007 satoshi value of HOT / BTC parity = 0.00000280 gwei in HOT / ETH parity

When we open the buy and sell section in the HOT / ETH pair, we see that HOT is trading at 259 gwei.

Trading between 0.00000240 - 0.00000280 Gwei values in HOT / ETH parity is trading in the range of 6 -7 Satoshi in HOT / BTC parity. It is possible to trade without having to enter and wait orders from 6 Satoshi to buy and buy HOT for 7 satoshi.

How is HOT /USDT Parity Calculated?

When we want to trade from HOT / USDT parity, we will first look at the current status of HOT / BTC parity.

The HOT / BTC parity has been given buy orders from 0.00000006 satoshi and sales orders from 0.00000007 Satoshi.

Before trading on the HOT / USDT party, we need to calculate the USDT equivalent of 0.00000006 Satoshi and 0.00000007 Satoshi values in BTC / USDT parity.

In the AMOUNT section of the buy and sell section of BTC / USDT parity, we write the value of 6 Satoshi, the current price in HOT / BTC parity.

We will see 58358.700 USDT (0.0005835 USDT) in the TOTAL section of the buy and sell section of the BTC / USDT parity. This value we see is the USDT equivalent of 6 Satoshi, the current purchase price of the HOT / BTC party.

In the AMOUNT section of the buy and sell section of BTC / USDT parity, we write the value of 7 Satoshi, the current price in HOT / BTC parity.

We will see 68085.500 USDT (0.0006808 USDT) in the TOTAL section of the buy and sell section of the BTC / USDT parity. This value we see is the USDT equivalent of 7 Satoshi, the current selling price of the HOT / BTC party.

When we open the buy and sell section in the HOT / USDT pair, we see that HOT is trading at 0006298 USDT.

Trading between 58358.700 - 68085.500 USDT (0.0005835 - 0.0006808 USDT) values in HOT / USDT parity is trading in the range of 6 -7 satoshi in HOT / BTC parity.

When trading both HOT / ETH and HOT / USDT parities, our main starting point should be the HOT / BTC parity.