How many people visited in last 6 months?

Here are the data available for for the last 6 months

The total number of people who visited ethereum official website in last 6 month is around 1.72 million, with 2 minutes 8 sec average visit duration and 2.53 pages per visit.

Among 1.72 million visitors almost 12.90 are from China and 12.70 are from USA following canada, India and France by 4.99%, 4.33% and 3.67%. and rest from all around the world.


If we look at the traffic sources then 43.18% are from google searches and 47.83 are also from searches from other websites probably Baidu, similarly referrals account for 6.41 and 2.53 from social media following 0.21 by mail and 0.01 by display.