How Crypto changed my life

I have always enjoyed the freedom of my time, I am not rich in assets nor do I have an endless supply of cash but I am the richest I have ever been in life. When I worked to pay tax I was unhappy I hated waking up early, being stuck on a train for hours twice a day, wasting my efforts packing orders, making appointments, and dealing with shitty people who didn't respect my service. The pay was shit barely covered my needs and I was always tired and missing out on being with those I loved. 

This is something I wrote when my journey to stop "working" became my reality.

 It was a time where fear was strong and I had no real idea or plan, it was the "Genesis" of my journey towards creating the life that I want and having the freedom to be time free. 

Working hard isn't what I was cut out for, and spending a majority of my life in a job where I was just a number on the payroll isn't my idea of a rich life. Don't waste your time living another man's dream, those things you envision are your reality. 

Believe it..

#CryptoGenesis #CryptoG