Harry's virtual trading series - daily -day1: START

Excelencia is presenting  to you :

Harry: He started to put his fav tickers in a basket , investing virtually , not for real yet , a total of 500$, divided over all his fav tickers, as an experiment to see how the total worth in $ of this basket is evolving over time:

He starts with the following tickers:

$NOIA he puts 250$ in ,

He gets 515,44315893657 NOIA overhere

$ICP:  he puts 250$ in

He gets  3,7048 ICP over here

So today he gets 515,44315893657 NOIA  and  3,7048 ICP

Let's see tomorrow for increase or  decrease in $ of the invested 500$...

 Harry tells you not to see this as advice , but only as a way for himself to start trading virtually.

He is doing his own research, as you should do also.

He hopes to attract a lot of readers over time to follow his daily trading journey.

Harry wishes you all the succes with your real tradings also.

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