Hamster Investor has been trading crypto (and it's currently outperforming the S&P 500)

Mr Goxx is a Crypto Hamster became famous in recent weeks thanks to the profitable results in the crypto exchange, yes, in fact actually his results have been producing a 20% profit over is starting capital, and he's actually beating many professional investor !

He has is office setted just near his cage, and when he enters there to start making some money a streaming on twich and twitter will immediatly start !

His operative room is composed by 2 tunnell, one for buy and another one for sell, every time that he runs trough one, an electric impulse give the relative order directly on the market !

The idea of mister Goxx Business, was made by 2 German guys who wanted to criticize how many investor trow themself in the crypto market, whitout having any idea of how the trading system really work, and that a rodent, could easly outperform them, and Well actully he is !