Getting Paid in Bitcoin

On episode 15 of the Go Full Crypto podcast, Mrugakshee and I talk about what it is like for me to get paid in bitcoin. I worked a job in a previous career where I opted to take my salary in Bitcoin. Now, since I am the owner of my own company, I choose to take a portion of my salary for a couple of reasons. One of those reasons is that on a personal level, it is important for me to be accumulating more bitcoin. The other reason is the cost of acquiring bitcoin can be expenses, and thus is better suited to be a company expense. In this episode we tell the audience about how we paid the expense of a Macbook computer in Bitcoin.

Kraken Becomes a US Bank

We briefly discussed the fact that Kraken just became a US bank. This is actually pretty insane to think about when you consider the implications. My thoughts on this topic are given in the first 5 minutes of the podcast. In short, we have a main player in the bitcoin space with the same level of access to the federal payments system. It is a seat at the table so to speak.

I wrote an article on Kraken on a cryptocurrency review site called This is another place where my thoughts on the matter are explored in greater detail. Combine this bit of news with the fact that MicroStrategy just nearly doubled down on their original strategy to hold bitcoin instead of cash in their reserves; You've got a crazy week in the crypto industry.

The Go Full Crypto Vision

We want to help people opt-into the world of cryptocurrency, one dollar at a time. In order to do this, people must need a reason. They need their own "why" behind discarding their government currency for the world currency of the future. Go Full Crypto is putting out content to help people discover the reason why they want to get involved in cryptocurrency.

Download Episode 15 of Go Full Crypto - Getting Paid in Bitcoin

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BTC - 1H3mLLktD8hhaZCKfVKrgF2fRSYYbnsptC

ETH/ERC20 - 0x7E51bd8BBb9B85A477F3244a29290E2F579A2bAa

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