Funding a year of travel with crypto

Well, I'm going through some uncertain times. My company was recently bought by another company and they decided not to sell the department I am working for. As of today there seems to be a very high chance that many layoffs will occur.

As a generally positive person I'm trying to look at the positives that may come from this. The main one to me is that I may be responsibility free for the next couple of months. Knowing that I may actually take the opportunity to travel to a foreign country and do something I did not have the chance to do when I was younger. 

The bad in this is obviously the financial aspect. I currently have a 100% of my crypto gaining interest in one form or another. I have a head start of one year in gaining interest. If I can use my accumulated interest of one year plus the interest of the next year I may be able to fully fund this trip without taking any loans. Of course that also means using my severance pay to fund the trip. On the low end I expect a year of travel would take about 30k to fully fund. I also have plenty of airline miles to travel to my destination place. 

I expect my current accumulated interest to pay for a third of the trip, my severance to pay for another third, and, my upcoming interest to finish of the last third. Its definitely doable. I just have to optimize the money and frontload the rent with my severance if I decide to go this route.

I won't disclose much else for now but my BTC, ETH, ADA, and DOT investments may give me an opportunity to do something amazing and turn something negative in life to a positive experience.