Experiment: I use Publish0x to make a million - Week #20

There still some suffering from the dip that happened. Some stuff have started to climb back a bit and the market seems to be holding steady from a larger dip/crash.

I did manage to get another nice chunk of ETH from the MRHB writing competition.

 add any new funds.

acquire any new funds without directly using crypto directly from PUBLISH0X tips.

 use my Publish0x rewards  I want to try and reach 1.000.000$

Week #20
+0.0564 FARM

+~1.2174$ from staking

BIG jump this week, both thanks to the ETH tip and that some of my holdings. While the market is down (hopefully not staying down or going further down) I can build a larger holding of tokens & coins so that the swing up is going to help alot more.

I also am holding  TRX, hoping I can copy my luck from my hodling shitcoins experiment by HODLing lower marketcap coins.

Current progress - $295.33

KAVA - 6,8543(+0,0263)

ADA - 8,7644(+0,0117)

DOT - 1,2235 (+0,0028)

ETH - 0,02616(+0,0111)

EGLD - 0,2577 (+0,1626)

AXS - 0,3572 (+0,0571)

I moved over some ETH into EGLD; it's a project I like and I feel it should be in the top 10, I prefer EGLD over SOL (after their frequent crashes) and ADA. The ETH will hold the portfolio steady but I want it to grow so I'll probably spread it out even more.

$295.33 / $1.000.000

0,029533% / 100,00%

0,385 years/ 1 303years

(-453 years from last week)

This week brought the portfolio up to speed again, mainly thanks to the tips that keep coming in rather than the holding in crypto. Hoping that the market starts trending up again!

That's all for this week, wish me luck and don't forget to tip!