Ethereum Crypto Price Rides 20% in Bullish Trend Buying Action - The cryptocurrency Ethereum is trading at $ 944.67 at 23:06 (16:06 GMT) on the Index on Sunday, and the price is up 20.33% for the day. It was the biggest one-day gain since January 3.

The move upwards pushed Ethereum's market cap up to $ 103.77B, or 11.85% of the total cryptocurrency market cap. At its highest, Ethereum's market cap was $ 135.58B.

Ethereum had traded in a price range of $ 769.57 to $ 944.67 in the previous 24 hours.

Over the past seven days, Ethereum has increased in value, and has gained 33.05%. The volume of Ethereum traded in the twenty-four hours to time of writing was $ 30.94B or 10.06% of the total volume of all cryptocurrencies. The price has been trading in a range of $ 682.4734 to $ 944,6658 in the last 7 days.

At its current price, Ethereum is still down 33.62% from its all-time high of $ 1,423.20 on January 13, 2018.

Elsewhere in cryptocurrency trading

The Bitcoin cryptocurrency was last at $ 33,766.9 on the Index, up 6.38% on the day.

Tether was trading at $ 1.0016 on the Index, a gain of 0.05%.

Bitcoin's current market cap amounted to $ 621.09B or 70.93% of the total cryptocurrency market share, while Tether's market cap touched $ 21.36B or 2.44% of the total cryptocurrency market value.