Equilibrium and Poise and Equation, be or not to be?

When thinking about balance, what comes to mind? A tranquil lake where tranquility is sought? An esoteric concept of internal balance to be able to see the world with different eyes, perhaps? Or, suddenly, the mathematical logic of the same weights, on a scale?In these recent times of health pandemic and apparent chaos in the realm of bitcoin, many articles speak of keeping calm, seeking balance, being serene (as if serenity, balance and calm were necessarily part of the same equation)The classic definition of balance is given by the Cambridge dictionary: balance is a state of equality on the scale, whether emotional or mental.in 2020, a film, shot in the wake of The Matrix, released before the second episode of this one, also proposes a dystopian world whose control is given in the form of a remedy, mandatory for all citizens, which inhibits them from "disproportionate" reactions. This is not a spoiler because it appears right at the beginning of the film.Equilibrium proposes that all forms of art, literature and culture have the power to destroy humanity and, as such, caused war and destruction.As in amtrix, there is an excellent fighter caste, proficient in a martial art that combines weapons and oriental fighting positions. This fighting style proposes cold math and perfect geometric movements, added to an impeccable statistical reading of the situation and emotional control as a way to always win.Just a detail: in The Matrix, the agents of the system are the bad guys, in this movie, in principle, the agents of the system are the good guys.Every very rigid dogmatic structure splits and when it splits, it creates gaps through which the air of inspiration, the air of doubt, the air of reflection enters.At one point, the story drags the viewer into plots that range from conspiracy to liberation.The important thing to note in this film, whoever wants it, is not in fact the beautiful scenes of action alternated by scenes of reflection, but rather, the film's ability to demonstrate that the balance is far from calm. The balance, at first, is in knowing how to dose all the emotions, in knowing how to live with all the emotions in a way that the faithful of the balance does not tend to one side or the other.In the end, balance, for example, in the environment, is far from calm: prey are killed by predators in a natural mechanism of population control. The balance, in this case, is quite violent: blood and stretched body.In the case of bitcoin, the balance isn't serene either. The currency rose and is in the recovery, recovery and price adjustment phase. Balance, in this case, is to understand that this reaction would sooner or later happen. Everything that goes up, goes down.In the film, the tendencies to control emotions and the effects of repressed emotions are clear. It also clearly demonstrates that the mind, in analysis, is superior to emotional interactions.That is, for mathematical logic questions, mathematical logic answers, for emotional questions, emotional answers.Sometimes, which is the principle of balance, there is a need to use logic in emotions and emotions in logic.For the financial market, however, despite the mystique and the many films showing great heroes with great financial "feelings", what is necessary is to get the emotion out of the way and have logic, reason and mathematics ahead.Otherwise, despair takes over and, like everything that involves despair, decision-making will always be the worst and will always have the greatest losses.Equilibrium, the film, takes us to a pill that makes the senses numb and provides relief from emotional distress, making citizens docile, behaved and more rational.However, at the same time that the pill calms down, so do the urges, the passionate desires and the opportunities.Opportunities: the difference between someone who acts under desperation and someone who acts on the sense of opportunity is that the latter, despite the emotional aura, acts with calculated coolness to enter and exit positions, within time, within analyses, that allows you to earn money by accepting momentary losses. The first is not: the despair of losing money - and often betting everything you have in one position, hoping and praying to God that it works, turns money into dust... and eventually you will have some return. It is a fact: if you had to appeal to divine prayers in the field of the financial market, then you went wrong, you dared too late.In the film, the output was more blood and more bloodbath to return the natural balance.In the financial market, crying and gnashing of teeth is usually a sign of transgression of rules, whether personal or general. In fact it means that some strategy created was disrespected. Normally, I didn't even have a strategy...it was a bunch of stuff written on google that promised to be the perfect tactic.....usually the amount of analysis periods is not included.....Despair is part of human emotions, but it weighs heavily in the balance.For every emotional weight there is a logical balance.Feelings of entry and exit are for rare people, for those who have a very sharp mind, statistically speaking, one for every 150 million people.Maybe you are that person, maybe not!When in doubt create consistent strategies, test, test and test periods until YOU feel comfortable with the tools you have mastered.The best tool is always the one you know how to use. And in the absence of knowing how to use, run after the necessary information for you to learn how to use and use well.For each person, according to the profile, a series of tools is logical, not for others.If in doubt you are still appealing to God to guarantee that the position goes up or that the position goes down... then you don't know what you are doing and you will, of course, lose a lot of money.And then, in the real world, there are also drugs that bring you the balance......but as in the movie......the blood will flow.Follow a coherent strategy that you feel comfortable with, filled with knowledge, keeping the peace over time, to use emotional energy to celebrate the positions you have won, but never to get down or deflect judgment from action.Other than that, if you are in this process and feelings, then you are playing a very expensive Russian roulette, you are in a very expensive casino to play time, money, away!Time, organization, planning and studies! If they won't make you rich, they'll free you from poverty.Balance is everything!