EOS Price Indicates An Uptrend; Price Reaches $3.31

EOS had a terrific week. There were days when the coin was falling. Also, we have seen the coin recovering. There were also some days when the momentum of EOS was stable. The coin made traders experience the adventure of trading in the crypto market. Well, after everything, EOS is now trading upwards.

If we look at yesterday’s price movement, EOS was seen touching the high at $3.37 and the low at $3.20. The volume marked on yesterday was $1,163,952,025.

EOS to USD Price Comparison:

The price chart is taken for price analysis from Trading View on 1st September 2019, at 05:12:01 UTC.

EOS price chart by TradingView

Looking at the above EOS price chart, we can observe a substantial growth in the price of the coin. Yesterday, the coin opened at $3.2172. Most of the hours were seen hovering around $3.2. Towards the end of the day, EOS price climbed up from $3.2187 to $3.4116 by 5.99%. The coin closed at $3.3424. Today, EOS is again reflecting a stable movement. The rest of the day is speculated to close with a positive sign.

Current Statistics of EOS:

  • The EOS price is trading at $3.32.
  • ROI is marked as 221.67%.
  • 24-hour volume is at $1,191,330,519.
  • The Market Cap is noted as $3,084,828,912.
  • Circulating Supply has 929,849,393 EOS.

EOS Price Prediction and Conclusion:

The recent drop in the market was quite terrifying. There are still some coins including Bitcoin (BTC) which couldn’t recover out of it. However, EOS has shown a remarkable improvement.

The future of the EOS is bright. Investment in the coin wouldn’t go futile. By the end of 2019, EOS price is expected to reach up to its 90-Day high of $7.59. We would recommend the traders to go for long-term investment for booking massive returns.

Cryptocurrency EOS Price Analysis Price Prediction