Entering the World of Crypto Trading!

What a wild time to be alive isn't it! Global pandemic, riots to the capital, and Dogecoin going to the moon... Like many before I've dabbled in trading cryptocurrencies but with lack of commitment and time it never reached too far. That being said the opportunity is like never before. The amount of volatility gives way for potentially great gains. Of course there is always the need to speak of risk and the understanding that volatility can always be a double-edged sword.

This story begins with a simple few bucks put into a memecoin several moons ago. I never paid too much attention to it until one fateful day when none other than my girlfriend (who has little interest in the matter) let me know that Dogecoin was apparently skyrocketing. Now its not much to base off of secondhand information coming from probably a TikTok but pulling up my old wallet revealed none other than a 1000% gain!! I was speechless. The thousand or so of this seemingly worthless coin transformed into astronomical gains. So I decided to cash out these coins for a nice little profit.


Armed with the knowledge of how volatile this market is I arrived with a trading strategy, a bit of pocket change, and an ambition to learn more about the world of cryptos. I want to write this blog to document all things I learn as I study this market in hopes that I may share my experiences with all of you and in return learn from your own. I hope you can follow along in this blog and share what you know to a knew trader. In the next series of posts Ill share my the beginnings of the trade logs as well as the initial strategy going into to this. I want to hear about your stories of trading so leave a comment about what you've experienced! Until then, good luck traders!