Earn money with Telegram

Telegram is an application that goes unnoticed by most social media users. Let's say that WhatsApp makes you very shady. However, any advanced user looking for greater security, better interaction with prospects, clients or subscribers, Telegram is the best option.

In Telegram there are bots. Yes, bots. Small automated virtual machines that simplify our life and make it easier. Putting welcome messages, expelling impertinent users, telling the time, posting links ... Endless amenities. Now, Telegram bots can give you money.

The world of cryptocurrencies has created numerous bots in Telegram with which to generate money by collecting small fractions of satoshis, Gweis or Litecoin.

These bots work like a traditional PTC. You send us ads, we click on these ads and get rewards. Additionally, we find the option to join other Telegram groups or broadcast channels (trading signals normally) that will give us even more rewards.

Sadly, there are a lot of fake bots coming out all the time that just waste time. Instead, I want to share with you the most used official Telegram Bots that pay and are totally legal. I have been working with them for more than 1 year. I have no drawbacks. With 10 or 15 minutes a day I am making between 10 and 20 dollars a month.

I usually use the Litecoin Bot and the Zcash Bot. My favourites. You can withdraw your earnings to any Wallet, except Payeer. The fees are ridiculous and work very fast, even from your mobile.

Official Telegram BOTS:

Bitcoincash: https://t.me/BCH_clickbot?start=SAPY

Litecoin: https://t.me/Litecoin_click_bot?start=I2Cv

Bitcoin: https://t.me/BitcoinClick_bot?start=Eh6P

Dogecoin: https://t.me/Dogecoin_click_bot?start=GVQn

Zcash: https://t.me/Zcash_click_bot?start=Zutk