Don't feed the Whales

During cryptocurrency market correction periods, there are two types of investors: Panic Sellers and those with strong hands

Panic Sellers

This type of investor is fundamentally inexperienced, young and with no real knowledge of the market. Its modus operandi is that described by the acronym BHSL (= buy high, sell low). These are people who are shaped by events and who do not have a well-defined investment plan. Because of this, when a major market correction occurs, they tend to sell their assets at a loss

Strong Hands 

On the other hand, however, there are those who are more experienced and experienced. I'm talking about a longtime investor who accumulates during bearish phases and sees them as an opportunity. This type of investor represents a minority compared to the others, but it is the one who generates a profit in the medium or long term.

More than 300,000 traders closed their positions during Bitcoin's latest decline, dumping around $1 billion. On the other hand, none of the largest whales have sold. Indeed, some of Bitcoin's largest wallets have increased their reserves.


Remember that every time you sell Bitcoin, there is someone on the other side who buys, laughs and thanks!

Not a financial advise.

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