Darknet large white House Market supports only Monero Payments

Jan 1, 2021 07:02 UTC

| Updated:

Jan 1, 2021 at 07:02 UTC


By Clark

The distinguished darknet marketplace, White House Market, has born bitcoin payments and currently accepts monero solely. The darknet marketplace directors elaborate that there was a problem with a payment processor obstruction Tor exit nodes, however the complete transition to monero was forever planned.

A number of crypto proponents have rumored on the darknet marketplace, White House dropping bitcoin (BTC) payments so as to completely support monero (XMR). On Dec twenty eight, one individual on Twitter wrote: “[One of the] largest darknet markets, White House Market, drops bitcoin support, currently solely uses monero.”

News.Bitcoin.com confirmed the payment system modification by visiting the White House market’s onion computer address. The White House admins detail the problems with bitcoin (BTC) support stemmed from a 3rd party service.

“Bitcoin payments are not any longer accepted,” the White House admins stressed. “The [third] party exchange API we tend to used (Morphtoken) has suddenly determined to dam access from Tor exit nodes and whereas this can be trivial to avoid we tend to determined to respect their call.”

The darknet admins added:

The Bitcoin workaround was imagined to be there simply to assist with the transition to XMR and as we tend to area unit involved it’s done, thus we tend to area unit currently monero solely, even as planned.

Monero (XMR) could be a privacy-focused cryptocurrency quality free in 2014 and it leverages the open supply Cryptonote protocol. XMR proponents like monero for its privacy options like hiding addresses, ring signatures, bulletproofs, and dandelion++.

Moreover, monero has gained support across a myriad of darknet marketplaces (DNM) on the invisible internet. Statistics from The 1000x Group’s darknet payments dashboard, shows that White House Market is that the solely DNM that’s monero solely.

However, additionally to crypto assets like bitcoin, litecoin, and zcash, variety of markets settle for monero for payments. This includes DNMs like Darkbay, Cannazon, Darkmarket, Torrez Market, Cypher Market, Dark0de, Mega and Monopoly Market. That’s around 10 DNMs that support the privacy-centric crypto quality monero (XMR) for payments.

Data shows on Dec twenty nine, 2020, 36.5% of DNM vendors accepted monero for product and services.


Head of the technology.


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