DappReview x MakersPlace

MakersPlace is an online rare digital art gallery that helps artists and collectors to fully utilize blockchain technology in order to create, sell and buy rare digital art. For anyone unfamiliar, rare digital art is digital art with authenticity, rarity and proof of ownership guaranteed by blockchain technology.
Since our inception two years ago, we’ve witnessed the NFT industry explode with people from all walks of life and all over the world engaging in this new economy. While this growth is exciting, it has also ignited a rise in blockchain related scams. The health of this new economy is contingent on maintaining a legitimate and accessible environment, which is why we are thrilled at the chance to partner with DappReview, a platform that is doing just that.

Win a Rare Digital Artwork

We at MakersPlace are excited to announce that we’ve teamed up with DappReview to give away a gorgeous piece of rare digital art to one lucky winner! Keep an eye on Twitter for an opportunity to earn an entry into our rare digital art raffle.
Preview of Great Wall by Reva Fan
The winner of this raffle will be the new proud owner of emerging artist Reva Fan’s Great Wall?—?A hypnotizing experience where forces of sacred geometry are brought to life by the natural convulsions of the earth.

How To Enter?

First of all, make sure you are following MakersPlace and DappReview on Twitter (this is a requirement for entry).
Each day our raffle is live (08/19–08/24), we will put out a post on Twitter, which serves as a way to enter the raffle. All you have to do is Like, Retweet and Tag 3 friends in the comments to earn a raffle entry. You can also tag additional friends for additional entries (1 friend = 1 entry).
The winner will be announced on our Twitter & Discord on Wednesday, August 26th.

MakersPlace and the Birth of Rare Digital Art Market

MakersPlace is the world’s premier rare digital art gallery and marketplace. We are empowering digital creators from around the world to exhibit and sell their digital artworks.
The introduction of blockchain technology has transformed digital art creation and collection for the better: Now artists can protect and authenticate their work with indelible digital signatures (courtesy of the blockchain.) Collectors can now rest assured that the artwork they’ve purchased is an authenticated original or rare edition which can not be copied. Principles of rarity can finally be applied to the digital art world.
Blockchain has provided a way to establish rarity and prove authenticity in the digital art world, but it’s more than that. Today’s emerging digital art market is destroying boundaries -- Artists and collectors are no longer bound by location barriers. Art can now be consumed in a dynamic and immersive way, rather than remaining limited by physical constraints of stillness. For the first time ever, digital art has joined physical art in becoming a viable asset or investment that can be held and appreciated or sold on a secondary market. Rare digital art is blossoming into not only a new art market but a new culture, and we at MakersPlace are grateful to be at the forefront of it.

MakersPlace Artist Showcase

Today MakersPlace hosts the creations of acclaimed artists from around the world, many of whom are crossing over from traditional physical art spaces. For many, rare digital art provides an outlet for unfiltered creative expression, not to mention a source of financial support. Across styles, mediums, and backgrounds our artists have one thing in common -- the drive to create high quality artworks that make lasting impressions on viewers. Check out some of the work from our popular artists below!
Jose Delbo
The Last Son of Krypton Fights for Humankind by Jose Delbo
Comic legend Jose Delbo (Argentinian comic artist behind Wonder Woman, Transformers, Billy The Kid, even The Beatles Yellow Submarine comic) shook the NFT community last month with his rare digital art debut. His ultra-rare 1/1 artwork depicting a modern day hero defending humanity against Covid sold for an impressive 27 ETH (~$8,190). His debut also included the release of a 43 page digital comic book “Death”, and limited edition artwork “The Amazonian Princess and the Panther.“
Javier Arres
The Investor’s Dream by Javier Arres
Javier Arres is a world-renowned motion / GIF artist and a 2019 London Art Biennale winner based in Motril, Spain. Arres is known for his “Visual Toys”-- manically detailed illustrations of fantastical scenery highlighting cities, architecture and machines. An ode to blockchain, The Investor’s Dream is one of his most coveted visual toys.
Gala Mirissa
/ GLOBETROTTER / by Gala Mirissa
Gala Mirissa is a digital artist based in Barcelona and Tarragona, Spain. Mirissa is known for her moody creations which breathe life into vintage images. Her artwork often combines mediums such as photography, animation, photoshop and sound. Her artwork has become extremely popular within the community for its mysterious, mesmerizing aesthetic.
Terry Flaxton
Under Every Desert A Sea by Terry Flaxton
A pioneer in the world of video, Terry Flaxton is a British artist who has been creating various forms of cinematic art since 1970. Today, Flaxton continues to push boundaries in the digital arts space through sound, video, print, installations and as of late rare digital art. His debut MakersPlace creation was also our first ever 4K video artwork.
Katy Arrington
ETH Kitty by Katy Arrington
Katy Arrington is a well-known illustrator and digital painter based in Jakarta, Indonesia. She has gained a bit of a cult following for her anime style girls who vary in style from cute and kawaii, to eerie and evil. Arringtonn’s “babes” are highly collectible and popular amongst collectors in the rare digital arts community.

Get in Touch

If you’re a digital creator, you can learn more about MakersPlace here.
Ready to start your rare digital art collection? Join here.
Follow us on Discord, Twitter, Medium, Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.