Daily top ten crypto spot exchanges analysis based on their volume

Today being Tuesday the 9th of March,binance leads our daily top ten crypto spot exchanges with a daily trading volume of $27,765,754,005. Upbit comes second with a daily trading volume of $7,555,274,455 while 

huobi global,okex and bithumb follow each other respectively with a daily trading volume of $7,331,349,373,  $5,366,369,987 and $4,752,471,315. Coinbase pro comes at number 6 with a daily trading volume of $3,328,007,904. Digifinex and MXC follow each other with a daily trading volume of $2,143,526,303 and $2,065,782,748. Bitcoin.com comes at number 9 with a daily trading volume of $1,840,358,346 while ZB closes our list for today with a daily trading volume of $1,825,093,870. Will these top ten exchanges continue to lead our list or will they be replaced by other exchanges. There is possibility of some exchanges like BINANCE to continue being on our top ten list. These top ten exchanges are being shown as from below;