Daily Crypto News recap: 5 stories you might have missed (June 9) BUT NOT TODAY.

Brave is collaborating with a Japanese e-sports team and a famous k-pop group to launch a limited edition of their browser in Japan.

Brave, a cryptocurrency-powered web browser, is partnering with Korean pop group BTS and Rush Gaming, to launch a limited edition of its browser for residents of Japan.

Japanese newspaper Nikkei reported on June 5 that BRAVE Browser and BTS, also known as Bangtan Boys, have developed an exclusive browser for users in Japan, this is the first known collaboration between a privacy-focused browser like Brave and a K-pop boy band.

According to the Nikkei, the two aim to find a new point of contact between idols (idols is the term commonly used to refer to artists of the genre K-pop) and their fans, users of the limited edition of the browser can win Points viewing ads to support the e-sports team, Rush Gaming.

A curious fact about BAT is that it has increased by 125% over the past year, reaching 15.4 million people at the end of May.








 Glassnode Data Analysis Startup reveals that Ethereum (ETH) miners received $ 498,000 in fees and Bitcoin (BTC) miners $ 308,000.

Increase in rates on the Ethereum network corresponds to an increase in on-chain activity.

Data analysis startup Glassnode revealed that Ethereum (ETH) miners 'earnings outpaced Bitcoin (BTC) miners' earnings by nearly $ 200,000. Ethereum miners, Glassnode noted, received $ 498,000 in fees, but Bitcoin (BTC) miners received $ 308,000.

Ethereum network daily rates exceeded Bitcoin's rates yesterday. $ 498,000 versus $ 308,000. So far, this has only happened in 141 days (8%),

On the other hand, it can be seen that there has been a significant increase in the rates that Bitcoin miners have received after halving. As the rewards were reduced, the transaction fees were increased to their annual maximum of $ 1,750 thousand and thus the miners were able to maintain profitability. Rates have been falling as the Bitcoin network recovers. An increase in its hashrate has occurred and is approaching pre-halving levels with 126EH / s, at the time of publication. The introduction of new mining models and the reduction of difficulty have also contributed to this drop in rates.

. The last time Ethereum miners reported higher profits than Bitcoin miners in 2020, it was in March when the network registered congestion when cryptocurrency prices plummeted.






EX GOVERNOR OF THE BANK OF CHINA does not believe that Bitcoin (BTC) can replace the fiat currency.

Wu Xiaoling, a former deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, hailed Bitcoin as a commercial success but said it has a central flaw.

Xiaoling predicts that there will be more adoption of digital currencies in the future, but does not believe that Bitcoin (BTC) can replace the fiat currency.

Xiaoling said that Bitcoin (BTC) is the most commercially successful product of blockchain technology. However, Xiaoling also highlighted its limitations and said that it believes that Bitcoin is limited to being a private currency. In addition, he noted that BTC's high price volatility will prevent it from replacing fiat currencies.

Xiaoling believes that authorities in sovereign countries will not officially recognize Bitcoin as a currency. The former governor of the People's Bank of China believes that Bitcoin will be more likely to remain as a digital asset. In this sense, Xiaoling also opined that digital currencies and assets will have greater adoption and will be integrated into social behavior. But for that there must be financial service activities that support Bitcoin and other digital currencies, according to Xiaoling.

Finally, the former governor of the People's Bank of China highlighted that there is a legal framework that Bitcoin must follow. Innovation, in Xiaoling's opinion, does not have to be a disruptive element that "disrupts the laws." The former governor added.

In the future, the digital currency will become increasingly integrated into social behavior, and we must have a prudent and objective understanding of it.

As CNF has reported, last year it was thought that China would open up to the use of cryptocurrencies. However, the Asian giant only marked the path it would take to announce the development of its digital Yuan. A representative from the Bank of China said it will not be like Bitcoin because it cannot be used to speculate and its value will be subject to a basket of currencies.








The number of Ethereum wallets with 32 or more ETH has reached a record high in anticipation of the launch of Phase 0 of Ethereum 2.0.

On the ETH / BTC chart, Ethereum is about to form a 'golden cross', which could precede a significant rise in the price of ETH.

Bullish voices surrounding the launch of Ethereum 2.0 have been on the rise in recent weeks. There's a good chance this isn't just a pre-launch hype that will sell later ("buy the rumors, sell the news"). At least that's what the latest figures from Arcane Research suggest. As the review company explained in a tweet published yesterday, the number of Ethereum wallets, which hold 32 or more ETH, is approaching the 120,000 wallet mark.

Under current phase 0 requirements, staking nodes, which will replace Proof of Work (PoW) miners, must have at least 32 ETHs permanently to validate transactions in the Proof of Stake blockchain ( PoS). In this sense, Arcane Research states:

Thus, the statistics presented by Arcane Research indicate a trend towards a massive accumulation of Ether (ETH) in order to operate a validation node and benefit from the rewards of staking. These depend on the amount of ETH wagered and are initially estimated at an annual return of between 5 and 10%, provided that between 3 and 10 million ETH were wagered.

Experts also expect the number of ETHs wagered to continue to increase over time, so the accumulation trend could continue not only before the release of Ethereum 2.0, but also afterward. This would cause a significant shortage of outstanding ETH, which in turn could trigger a considerable price increase.

Data from @nansen_ai shows that almost 120,000 Ethereum wallets are ready to be staked. This number has grown by 13% in the last year




In other news

The best Tesla investor is convinced that air taxi is the future trend.


 Only Tesla CEO Elon Musk who owns an 18.5% stake in Tesla has a larger stake in Tesla than Baillie Gifford, who owns a 6.5% stake. Scotland-based Gifford also invested in Amazon.com Inc (NASDAQ: AMZN) Airbnb, Spotify Technology SA (NYSE: SPOT) and SpaceX.

Lillium said it plans to use an app on its Uber-like plane transportation service when it begins its taxi flights in 2025. Flights are projected to cost an average of $ 70 for a six-minute trip from JFK to Manhattan.

The company that spoke through its spokesman Gerber said it is in talks with regulators about the infrastructure needed for takeoff. He said his ports would be ready in months.

illium Jet has the ability to take off and land vertically, giving it the dynamics of a helicopter. It is powered by an electric jet engine placed in its wing region.

The company announced a $ 240 million financing round earlier this year. Thanks to an extension, its valuation is now over $ 1 billion. Baillie's investment has given her less than a 5% stake in Lillium.

So far, the company has raised more than $ 375 million in investor funds. Among its main investors are Atomico, LGT, Tencent and Freigeist.

The future of the taxi

Speaking about Baillie's investment, Lillium commercial director Remo Gerber said the investor was contacted 2 years ago to put funds into the company, but was not convinced that the time was right to endorse the aerospace taxi. He said Baillie is now convinced that air taxi is the future trend.

Aside from Lillium, there are other taxi companies struggling to enter the air taxi space. Uber and Volocopter are working to enter the market. In a recent statement, Lillium said his air taxi can travel 300 km in an hour on a single charge from its 36 electric jet engines.



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