Crypto Time Traveller, Entering Today Is Like Buying Yesterday

As newcomers we typically go through the same process; we sign up to an exchange, we follow the coin movements over a period of time until we reach a subconsciously acceptable moment to "give it a shot". We remain fixated on the charts, and inevitably scroll back 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months etc.

An inner voice whispers; "wow, imagine if you discovered crypto back then, you could have bought at a fraction of the price you're about to pay for this coin". 

We bite the bullet and buy.

Today as the market dips we see coin prices return to January/February and March values:

  • At the time of writing (June 2021) BTC offers an opportunity to time travel back to January 2021 
  • Many Alt coins offer the same travel opportunity

I'm personally approaching these moments, that are testing many investor's nerves and patience, as an opportunity to revisit the past and steadily buy (DCA) a portfolio at yesterday prices. While my portfolio is decreasing in fiat value, I truly believe we, newcomers are present with opportunities  to reap long term rewards.

Next, I'm packing in anticipation of a trip back to December 2019 

What about you? Have you recently time travelled? Which month did you visit?